Ka Mahiʻai a Me Ia (The Farm and Him)

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Megan and Frank weren't kidding when they said my Farm was a disaster.

The first time I laid eyes on my farm, it didn't look like one. It was more like a mini rock quarry and Forest then anything else. My house was a shack that didn't even have a proper bathroom nor a kitchen. No wonder nobody wanted to buy the place. It wasn't worth the trouble. But I was on a mission. I was going to prove to my father that I can and will be a farmer. This is just another obstacle in my way.

Uncle Frank and Megan explained to me that my farm was the closest to the three towns surrounding the area. One of course being Westown, an eastern town named Tsuyukusa and the Hawaiian village Lulukoko. Each of them having their own customs and environments. Megan said that it's like a mini Bermuda Triangle, each town having its own climate, traditions and language. To say the least, this peaked my curiosity. Uncle Frank said he wouldn't mind giving me a tour of Westown, I couldn't wait to start exploring.

The night spent in my humble abode was more like a nightmare. I could hear the wind howling at me as it's icy breath covered me. The house would shake and shiver, I was almost afraid it was going to collapse on itself. My bed felt as if it was put together with bales of hay and pieces of wood. I didn't want to have to get used to sleeping like this. I can see my house is going to need lots of work. Maybe I should keep an eye out for a carpenter when I head to town.

A loud knock came from my door, braking my concentration. "Hey Lani. It's yer Uncle Frank. Ima coming." His statement had already finished upon entering my house.

I stared at him half asleep, still in pajamas. "Good morning Uncle Frank. Please, make yourself at home." I yawned. "Well I'll bee Lani! You don't look so good. I can come back another day if-" I cut off my uncle, "no. No. That won't be necessary. Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready." My uncle smiled, "right then. I'll be outside." With that he closed my door. Time to start the day.

The Westown looked like a walking Museum. Horses were tied around spokes, people used carriages for transportation, the buildings looked very western and antiqued. It was almost surreal. The one thing that didn't look like it belong in a museum were the people. Their fashion was a little outdated, it was more like the 1800's meet a modern look. In all honesty it tied in well with the town.

My uncle practically introduced me to everyone in the town. I got to meet the local Traders; Miranda manager of Straw Market and her daughter Noel, Lisette the romantic Thousand Bouquets florist, along with Brad and Carrie, the optimistic happily married restaurant Duo of Garden Grill.

The people that lived here were very sweet and kind. It was unsettling. Don't get me wrong, I love courteous people, but in the city where I grew up; people are always mean and only care for themselves. This was change of pace and people. In fact my whole world has been turned up side down.

"The last stop on our list is the post office, Postino." My uncle stated. I stared at the little building as my uncle raved about the owner. "He's always on time with mail! Never misses a beat. Still can't believe he delivers to all three towns. I reckon he must be a hard worker. I bet he's tired from all the walking and running he does, Never looks it though..." If I didn't know my uncle, I would say he had himself a little man crush. The thought of that made me giggle.

"Well if it isn't the man himself!" My uncle huffed. As I turned to face my uncle, I saw a blonde, blue eyed slender man. As he gracefully climbed the stairs leading to Postino, tipping his hat with a smile that can make your heart skip a beat. "Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. How have you been Frank?" A smooth velvety voice came from his lips as he hugged my uncle. "You know me Wayne, just hanging out with the farm." He laughed. "You know that'll be the death of you. It ain't all that healthy being cooped up like that." Uncle Frank sighed, "well I got Miranda...and the band on the weekends. So that's my bit of fresh air." Uncle Frank almost looked nervous for a second.

That's when he turned and looked at me, "oh. Where are my manners, I'm Wayne. You must be...its on the tip of my tongue...Lani?" I couldn't help but blush and nod my head. Wayne went in for a hug at my response. My uncle did tell me about Westowns custom for hugging as a greeting. Still, I wasn't comfortable giving out hugs. "Wow Frank! When you told me that your niece was going to become the new farmer, I didn't expect her to be such a looker." He said with a wink. "Um..thank you." I whispered. "Now If you'll excuse me, I still have deliveries to make. If you want to stop by the post office sometime, I'll give you a proper introduction. See you around Lani." And with that he was off.


"Once a lady's man, always a ladies man." My uncle chuckled. "What do you mean..?" "Oh! Nothing. Just that he has a way with the ladies. He's a charmer that one, even the men too." My uncle said proudly. "Sounds like you got a little man crush Uncle Frank." I said jokingly. "Now hear this Lani. That could well never be a possibility. I mean hes good looking, but that's besides the point-" "uncle Frank." I interpreted. "I was joking." I laughed. "Of course you were. I knew that. Are you good here? Cause my cows, they need..." My uncle trailed off. "I am fine. Ill explore the town a bit. You go back and tend to your cows." I said smiling. "Right then. Call the taxi to get home if it's too late or I can come and get you." He blabered. "I will keep that in mind. See you around uncle frank." I waved at him. "Take care Lani." And with that, he was off.

As I was exploring the town, I lost track of time. Next thing I knew the sun was setting. I figured I could walk home since my farm wasn't too far from the town, But on my way home I got lost. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to walk home on my first day.

The more I walked around the less familiar anything looked.  The red dirt faded as soft green grass slowly engulfed my path. Think tall grass were followed by tall narrow trees, I was starting to think I found a Forest. Hope beamed in eyes as the thought of home flowed through my body. My legs carried me off through the trees, my farm was the only place that had grass in Westown, it had to be home.

After what seemed like hours and miles, I eventually gave up. I had to admit to myself, I was lost. I didn't want to admit to myself, I've always been able to get out of sticky situations; This time I couldnt get out.

In the mits of my panic I saw a palm tree next to a lake and decided to sit down. Silent tears rolled down my cheek as my knees and chest met, placing my gaze to the sandy grass. My hand floated over the new terrain.  "I guess this place is like the Bermuda Triangle." I said as my laughter turned to tears. I was lost, alone, and afraid. This is not how I pictured me being a farmer.

Suddenly I could hear trees rustling, crunching of leaves and branches cracking. A moment of panic and fear took over my body. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I could feel the blood drain from my face. This could be it. I'll die right here. I didn't even get a chance to become a farmer. Maybe if I just left with my uncle none of this would have happened. I could be in my old creepy shack attempting to sleep. Instead of being lost, next to a palm tree, God knows where.

My panic induced as the noise got louder and closer. I closed my eyes.

"Maikaʻi paha ʻoe. Are you okay?" A deep, caring alto of a voice spoke.

I slowly opened my eyes, regaining Focus. A blue haired hunk of a man, with serious almond eyes was looking at me. "Here." He put out his hand wanting me to take it. Hesitantly I gave him my hand. "What's your name?" He asked as he helped me up. "Lani." I whispered. "Lani yeah? In my village, that means heaven. My names Ludus." As he smiled, heaven.

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