~Chapter 9~

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(*~This one's very long, hopefully it can at partially make up for the wait... x*x''~*)

Soon enough tomorrow night came, and you and Ghirahim had agreed to go to the party. You were hesitant about the whole thing at first, of course, but he assured you he would be alright, so you gave in. But, before anything else, there was the matter of traveling with your friends.

You were currently trying to find something that was at least somewhat appropriate for a party, but you being the kind of person you were, fashion and style were never your thing.

"How about I give you something to wear?" Ghirahim suddenly suggested, he was in his Griffin form but his voice was the same for the moment.

You turned to him, surprised at his offer, you certainly weren't expecting that. He did mention the other day about wanting to see you wear something more 'his style', but you weren't sure if he actually meant it until now.


He nodded, a small smile painting his lips. He stood and walked over to you, holding one arm in one hand and putting a finger to his lips in thought.

"Hmm..." Then he smiled a bit wider. "I have just the thing." 

He snapped his fingers, and in a flash of diamonds in red, yellow, and black, your outfit completely changed.

(~I'm not the best with clothes so I decided to use an image so that you can see exactly what you're wearing, it should be at the top of the chapter. Also, ignore the earrings. 'x) )

You looked at yourself in the mirror wide-eyed.

"Whoa..." You breathed out in awe.

"Do you like it?" Ghirahim asked, a surprisingly hopeful look on his face.

"I... I love it! Thank you! You cheered, jumping a little.

Without even thinking about what you were doing, you embraced Ghirahim in your arms tightly. He almost immediately tensed up, and that was what made you realize your actions.

"Ack-- I'm so sorry!" You jumped back,  fearing that he would be upset.

But instead of lashing out, you could actually see a small blush on his cheeks and an amused but embarrassed smile form on his lips.

"It's alright, I... I honestly didn't mind it." He chuckled faintly.

"Y-You didn't?" You were completely shocked that making contact didn't send him into a fit of disgust or rage, or even both.

He shook his head, still smiling.

"Thank goodness." You mentally sighed in relief.

For some reason, he leaned a little closer, thinking to himself.

"Hmm... it's missing something..." He mumbled.

"What is it?" You wondered in your head.

Then, Ghirahim snapped his fingers and a familiar blue diamond earring appeared in his hands. The light from your lamp reflected off of it, making a faint blue light appear against the wall.

"Normally, I'd never let another being lay a finger on this, but just this once, I'll make an exception. Consider it a start for repaying you for all you've done for me." Ghirahim's smile returned, reaching up and gently placing the earring on your right ear like how he would wear it.

You almost thought you were imagining things, but he'd actually entrusted you with his one and only earring. You thanked him at least three times and he seemed amused by your excitement. Afterwards, you looked back at the mirror and once again marveled at your clothes, still in disbelief that Ghirahim actually did this for you. It was unbelievable!

~A Dream Come true~~Ghirahim x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now