Chapter two

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Heaven's P.O.V.

"Tyler thank you your the best!!!" I hugged him tight.

"I wanted to go to you know not just you," he smiled and hugged me back.

"How did you get OneDirection tickets?" I asked.

"Not just tickets, front row tickets and backstage passes," he grinned and held out the tickets.

"Yay!!!" I jumped up and down. Tyler is the only one that really makes me smile at school I was ignored. Thank gosh I'm out of there now.

"Let's go get seated," we walked inside and found our seats front and center.

"Once again thank you so much Tybug," I called him my nickname for him making him smile even bigger.

"No prob Heavbug, and I almost forgot I made us something," he pulled out two flower crowns. He handed me one with light blue and and white roses and he put one with red roses on top of his lilac hair. I took of my beanie and replaced it with the crown," I also made them some. You pick who gets which which.

There were five other flower crowns. A orange rose one,one with lavender strings and small white blooms, one with purple roses,one with pinkish red blooms, and one with big yellow flowers.

"Well Harry gets the pinkish red, Louis gets orange, Zayn should have yellow, Liam gets purple, and last but certainty not least Niall gets lavender and white," I said after thinking for awhile.

"Will do Heavbear!" Tyler said right before they came out on stage.

Niall's P.O.V.

""How's it going LA!" I yelled into the mic and ran on stage with the other lads and everyone in the arena screamed.

"I take that your doing fine," Liam said into his mic and I laughed.

"First off we'll be singing Kiss You," Zayn said and we started jumping around and going into concert mode. Suddenly my eyes caught on a girl with two different colored eyes, one green and one brown. It reminded me of her but it couldn't be. I haven't seen her in ten years. It must be a coincidence.

"Niall?" Harry got my attention," forgetting something?"

"Oh yea sorry," I mumbled and began singing again.

Heaven's P.O.V.

"This is the last song for tonight. Were gonna do What makes you beautiful!" Harry shouted out and the girls around me screamed louder. This night had been amazing or shall I say amaZayn. Since we were in the front we got a lot of attention from the boys. Harry hugged me. Tyler has been fangirling the entire time. I on the other hand have been fairly quite. I'm always shy in public then open up when it's just me and Tyler. That doesn't mean I wasn't fangirling because I was but not out loud like everyone else.

"That's the end for tonight. See you soon LA!" Liam ended the concert and they walked off stage.

"That was awesome," he was so excited his cheeks were red," now we get to meet them. Gosh they're the most perfect men on the planet!"

"Let's go," I nodded.

He frowned disapprovingly," stop being so shy,"

"Hello are you here to meet them," a women asked us. Tyler showed her our tickets and she led us into a room. There sitting on the coach was friggen OneDirection!!!!

"Hello were OneDirection," they said in sync which was half creepy and half cute.

"Hi I'm Tyler!" Tyler said enthusiastically.

"Heaven," I said quietly.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Heaven," she whispered but I could still clearly hear her Irish accent. That's it. It really is her. My sister who was kidnapped ten years ago she's here it really is her. I looked over to the lads. Liam looked at me as to make sure I knew I had found her. She looks different. Her hair is now dyed pink and she is taller. The only thing that stayed the same was her accent and her wonderful eyes.

Heaven's P.O.V.

"We made these for you, they even match ours," Tyler handed the boys their flower crowns.

"Thank you, their wonderful," Liam said while putting on his purple one.

"Did you help love?" Harry asked me.

I nodded.

"Hey why won't you talk. We won't bite," Zayn was looking at me like a wounded animal.

"I can talk," I said still really quietly.

"So she can speak!" Louis joked.

"I like your hair," Harry came up to me and pulled one of my curls playfully.

"Hey," I shrunk back and clutched onto Tyler's arm.

"It's fine she's just shy sometimes," Tyler told them when they began to look worried," Heavbear please talk some I know your secretly fangirling right now,"

"Fine," I said. His use of my nickname combined with the joke made me laugh a little.

"You and Nialler have the same voice!" Zayn acted shocked.

"We do?" Niall joked but he glanced over to Liam.

"We need to hurry we have to be on the bus soon or Paul will kill us," Liam said looking at his watch.

"Can we get a picture?" Tyler asked and slipped his phone out of his pocket. He also grabbed my phone and I turned red when I remembered that my phone case was 1D. They all laughed.

"Come here," Louis grabbed me and hugged me all the boys enveloped Tyler and I in a bear hug. The person who was taking pictures snapped pics on both of our phones.

"Thanks again have a good night," they gave us one last hug then we were ushered out.

AN/ so that happened fast. How did you like it? Please tell me what you thought.

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