"I thought we could head out for brunch, what do you think?" he asked as I emerged.

I hesitated, for a really long time, "Whitney? Brunch? Yes?"

"Uh, I thought we could stay in and hang out on the deck," I tried to hide my nerves about Edward wanting to venture out. "I make amazing bacon and eggs." I raised my eyebrows trying to entice him.

He smirked at me, "Fine but you have to make the bacon perfectly or I'll be on a plane out of here faster than you can say burnt!"

"Yes!" I did a small goofy victory dance, "Sit tight and I'll be done in a jiffy."

I busied myself in the kitchen while Edward sat at the table supervising me.

"So Finn. He's your boyfriend?" Edward questioned.

"Woah, not even starting with the easy stuff. Just diving straight in the deep end?"

"I'm a good swimmer I guess," he shrugged and I cracked some eggs into a saucepan.

I laughed at his boldness. "Barve. Yeah, we've been together for five years now. We've known each other since high school."

"That's a long time," his face was expressionless.

"Not really. In the big scheme of things, it's a rather short time," my tone came out more defensive than I intended. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"Not right now."

"You seem sceptical," I paused trying to think before I spoke but the words were still coming out unfiltered. "About me and Finn. Do you not believe in love?" I turned the sizzling bacon over in the pan, my back to Edward.

"Not sceptical. Just hesitant," I heard him shift in his chair.

"Care to elaborate?"

"This is a pretty heavy topic for brunch don't you think?"

"Hey, you started it, not me." I plated bacon, Edwards resembling jerky, poached eggs, avocado and toast. "Can you carry the coffee, please? I don't trust my balance."

Edward took the mugs in his hands and followed me out to the back deck. "Wow, Whitney, this is amazing. So quiet and peaceful. I could stay out here forever."

"You're welcome to visit anytime."

We ate and talked about our jobs. Edward educated me about his rise through the company, focusing on his time in the mailroom, where he started and how much he loved seeing everyone as he delivered the mail to each floor of the company building. I talked about how I ended up with Hardman after my brazen comments to Alex and the strong bond we'd formed in the early days. He asked why I hadn't applied to Law School and I explained how I had no desire to ever be a lawyer. Policies, contracts and legislation are my forte and I actually enjoy it.

"So your father is retiring? That must be exciting for him?" I asked after a short silence.

"I don't think he is very excited about it," he drummed his fingers on the table while staring off into the distance. "He's looking forward to being able to slow down and finally enjoy 'the fruits of his labour'."

"And... how does he feel about you taking over the helm?" I probed further sensing he didn't want to come straight out and say it.

"Now who's being brave?"

"You make it sound like he isn't looking forward to letting someone else take over, but I can't decipher whether it's you he's worried about or just worried in general."

He stayed silent and continued staring out over the garden. "If my opinion counts, I think you'll do an amazing job."

"You do?"Edward looked over at me, his brows furrowed.

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