| Eighteen |

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Despite the previous late night and hectic day, I was awake and ready for the day rather early. Saturday is long run day for me and I didn't want to waste my early rise and miss the opportunity to get in a few kilometers. I wasn't sure if Edward was a runner or if he was even awake. I stayed in bed and listened for any hint of noise from him but either he was as quiet as a mouse or he was still out for the count.

My knuckles tapped lightly on the spare room door a few times but there was no answer, I tried one more time to no avail so started to retreat to my room and gear up ready to head out before I heard a light thud and a few footsteps before Edward came to the door.

"Whitney?" He asked sleepily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't, I've been awake for awhile now, jetlag, the downside of travelling," he stood in the doorway with his hair dishevelled, his torso bare and a pair of grey pyjama pants hung dangerously low on his hips. I tried, with great difficulty not to stare but he was rather stunning.

"Oh. Uh- well, I'm going to go out for a run shortly. Just a short 10km if you want to join me?"

"Really? I didn't know you ran. I'd love to. Give me a few minutes," he closed the door and I made my way back to my own room to get ready.

Edward was ready shortly after I was and he walked to the front door while pressing buttons on the watch fastened around his wrist. "Ready?" I smiled, holding the door open for him, "You know those gadgets don't make you run any faster." I laughed and followed him out the door.

"Of course they don't, but at least I can log a run in another part of the world." he shrugged and rolled his shoulders and stretched his hamstrings.

"You realise, you're wearing the same watch as me?" he shook his head at me as I came up next to him and we made our way to the end of the driveway.

"I know, I was just having you on. Don't be so precious," I laughed before pointing in the direction we were heading. "We head that way for about 2km, its uphill so be prepared. Then down that way, toward the waterfront before turning and coming back from that direction. I may have fibbed when I said 10km, it's closer to twelve."

"That's fine with me." he nodded and waited for me to lead the way.

"Wait, do you always travel with full workout gear?" I looked him up and down and he shrugged.

"Yeah. Wouldn't you? Benjamin is my PT too, so we usually try and get to the gym at least once while we're away. Helps with the jetlag too," he gestured to the direction I had pointed to start earlier, "after you, ladies first."


"Edward, are you okay." I laughed at him hunched over the fence at the end of my driveway.

"That," he huffed, "was brutal."

"Those stairs in the last km are a killer aye?" I patted his back and my hand was met with a damp sensation, "Ew, gross. Come on, let's go in and get cleaned up, I'm starving too."

"Killer is right, I'm dead!"


Edward sat at the kitchen table scrolling through his phone when I emerged from showering and dressing. He wore dark blue jeans that, honestly, looked tighter than mine, a black v-neck t-shirt and light brown boots. I had to do a double take to make sure it really was Edward and not a stranger. He looked different without a suit and tie on, he looked laid back and chilled out.

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