28. The New Deal

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"All applicable investigative techniques will be used."

- Waffen SS Manual, on 'Main Collection Area for Prisoners'


"Der Fuehrer's Face"

by Spike Jones and His City Slickers

by Spike Jones and His City Slickers

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Berlin, Germany; April 3, 1943

Of all the things that accompanied a visit to Berlin, being arrested upon arrival was a new one. Tony almost enjoyed the experience, with black-uniformed officers chasing after him through the terminals of Tempelhof, shouting various phrases in German.

The ride to Kriminalpolizei headquarters was less entertaining. A drab gray Volkswagen wove through the evening traffic of Berlin, while the droning voice of a monotonous spokesman poured through the radio. The two officers sat in the front seats, twiddling with the dials to find a station they wanted. They appeared polar opposites of each other, one dark and swarthy, the other quite fair. Introducing themselves as Schwarz and Roth, they made their intentions clear during the drive.

"Anthony Stark, you are under arrest by the German government for suspicion of treasonous activities regarding the Reich," Roth began, sounding just as bored as the radio man. He probably recites this same spiel a thousand times a day to the other dissidents he has to mop up, Tony thought. Hell, I would be bored too.

"But I'm not even a citizen of the Reich! How can I be accused of treason if I'm a foreigner? Doesn't the Gestapo handle this sort of thing?"

Schwarz and Roth exchanged a knowing glance, a shiver of fear passing through the cabin of the car. "If you knew what the Gestapo does during interrogations you wouldn't be asking for them, dummkopf. You're lucky we got to you first before Himmler's boys did."

"Lucky, huh? That's ironic, seeing as I'm the one in handcuffs." Tony was the one truly being ironic in the moment, as he had already locked and unlocked the handcuffs three times over on their drive. The Kripo officers hadn't noticed yet.

Roth turned in his seat, looking back at Tony with an icy blue gaze. "I said it before and I'll say it again – you're lucky you got Kripo. We don't believe in Gestapo cruelty."

A sharp snort sounded from the driver's seat. "Ridiculous. I went through full training in forensic science, and the Gestapo thinks they can pull the truth out of their victims as easily as they can pull out fingernails. We believe in science and evidence to prove guilt." Schwarz continued with conviction, jutting his chin up as if daring Tony to challenge him.

"There are some things more important than interrogations, you know," Roth added. Tony realized he was beginning to like these two officers, even if they were arresting him.

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