"You're Being Ridiculous"

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Percy Weasley

The damp air suffocates me, but in a good way. My hair is stuck to the sides of my face so I wipe down my body with the towel and put on my clothes as fast as I can without wrinkling them.

"Oi'! Percy! Hurry up!" Oliver bangs on the door and I quickly slip on my shirt.

"One second!" I button it up and put my glasses on my face. The door opens and I quickly slip out.

Before Oliver can complain how long I took to shower, I grab my bag and slip out the common room door.

As students pass through the halls, I notice that Caitlin is walking with her thick robes on and her hands in her pockets. It confuses me, since the weather is nice today. I find myself trotting over to her.

"Hello, Caitlin." She smiles and seems to dig her hands deeper into her pockets.

"Hey, Percy." She keeps her face low and avoids eye contact.

" Why are you hiding your hands?" She suddenly takes in a deep breath and widens her eyes.

"What're you talking about? I'm not hiding my hands! There is nothing wrong with my hands!" I roll my eyes and reluctantly sit next to her in the great hall.

"Caitlin, there is no need to hide your hands. I'm sure that no matter how much colored ink you spilled on them, I won't laugh at you." Caitlin shakes her head and I frown.

"I didn't spill ink on my hands. You just wouldn't understand, Percy." I take the pin that holds her now yellow and black hair in a tight bun. I hold it up and she reaches for it. I grab her hand and look at it closely. A blood stained cloth is wrapped around it and the fingers are bruised badly enough to the point where they could be broken.

"What is this?" She jerks her hand away and holds it with her other hand, which is also wrapped in blood stained cloth.

"It's nothing just did a bit of punching practice yesterday and bloodied up my hands a bit. It really is nothing." She stands up and begins to walk out. I follow and scream after her.

"Caitlin, you're being ridiculous! Your hands look terrible!" She continues to walk down towards the Hufflepuff basement.

"Caitlin, stop! I'm trying to help you! Will you please just-" She turns around and her hair flashes into a deep red.

"Shut up, Percy! Just shut up!" She pants and shakes her head before yelling again. "I don't want your help! I told you that you wouldn't understand, but you Weasleys, you just... you just care too much!" I put a hand through my hair as she mentions my family name.

"Just leave me alone." And she's gone.

Caitlin's gone.

"Oliver, I am not being the idiotic one in this situation!" Oliver nods and I continue to pace the room.

"I'm afraid you are being the idiotic one. When she asks you to leave it be, then you leave it be. You didn't have to tell her how ugly her hands looked." I slap my hands down to my sides and groan.

"The wrappings were wet and covered in blood, Oliver! Bruises! She looked very injured and that isn't healthy!" Oliver rolls his eyes and begins working on a quidditch diagram.

"If you're actually that concerned, then go tell Madam Pomfrey about it and she'll handle it." I shake my head.

"Caitlin won't ever forgive me if I do that!" Oliver sets down the quidditch diagram and slips my glasses onto his face.

"Perce, the real question is why do you care so bloody much? She obviously has a reason for keeping her hands hidden." I shake my head and sit down on my bed.

"Because she's one of my closest friends. Nobody besides you, Caitlin, and a couple of other people have willingly talked to me for long periods of time. I care." Oliver sighs and takes off my glasses.

"The why don't you just go support her instead of telling her how terrible her hands look? Mushy stuff makes girls forget why they're mad." I sigh and stand up.

"I'm off to find Caitlin. If I'm not back in an hour then please come look for me."

Sitting in a Herbology greenhouse is Caitlin. Her hair is a light green and the rain continues to pour vigorously.

"Cait?" She turns around and frowns.

"Come to tell me how bad my hands look?" I shake my head an walk over to her. I take her hands out of her pockets and hold them out. After taking them off her hands, I mutter a spell to clean them off.

"Tergeo." The blood clears off and the cuts and bruises are visible. I notice a broken index finger on her left hand.

"Episkey." She winces in pain as the bone snaps back into place. I shush her and a tear rolls from her eye.

"Ferula." A newer and more supportive bandage wraps around her hands. She stretched them and moves her hands around.

"Just a few simple charms to-" She attacks me in a giant hug before I can finish. Her feet hang off the ground due to her arms being around my neck and her being short. I drop my wand and secure her from falling to the ground.

"Thanks, Percy." I pat her back and she sighs satisfyingly into my neck. I can feel the hairs all over my body stand up and the gratefulness for wearing sleeves kicks in.

"Miss Prickott? Mister Weasley?" Professor Sprout takes off her gloves as Caitlin jumps away from me.

"Sorry, Professor. I just came to admire the Mandrakes when Percy stopped by." Professor Sprout grins and pulls up two pots.

"Ah, yes. They're doing a great job this year. Especially your brothers, Mister Weasley." Taken aback by her words, I frown.

"My brothers? How?" Professor Sprout nods.

"They actually are. They claim it 'the easy class'." I shake my head in disbelief and Caitlin smiles at me.

"See, Percy. Your brothers aren't completely worthless." Professor Sprout nods and I shrug.

"Now, you two. Come help me before I begin to ponder what would have happened if I didn't interrupt!"

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