Now you're gone.

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Your Point Of View, 4 years earlier

I rested my head against the cool glass window of the out dated school bus, my ear buds blasting music into my ears. It was the beginning of Fall so it was a comfortable cold outside, perfect for big warm sweaters and hot coffee. It was rainy and grim outside, not a ray of sunshine shone through the thick of the clouds. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my teacher, Mrs. Kay handing me a paper. I pulled my ear buds out and grabbed it.

"Normally when we have late assignments I'd say it's due on Friday, Miss L/N but since you're obviously going to be busy all weekend and since I'm such an amazing teacher, I'll give you until Wednesday." She g

ave me a warm smile and I smiled back.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kay. You truly are a saint." I said while shoving the paper into my bag.

I put my ear buds back in and heard my phone go off as I was about to play my music. It was a message from Mikey. I couldn't help the small grin form on my face as I read the message. "I wish you could come over this weekend. I really like you and all that stuff. ❤" Mikey wasn't the one to say 'I love you' without getting all flustered or awkward so he tried to make up for it with the heart emoji which he used. Alot.

I was about to reply, but sudden shouting caught my attention. Some kid with greasy brown hair and glasses had started panicking and freaking out about how he was going to throw up. He was at the bus door and was trying to pry them open while shouting at the bus driver to stop. What was wrong with this guy? People started yelling at the kid, telling him to 'Just sit down' and 'Calm down idiot you're distracting the bus driver.' Which was right, the bus driver had his full attention on the kid and was coming up to a sharp turn.

As we reached the sharp turn the yelling progressively became directed at the bus driver. He eventually tirned his attention to the road again, but...

It was too late.

Tires screeched.

People let out shrieks of terror.

Before anybody knew it, the bus had crashed throught the steel barrier that was supposed to stop these kind of things, and it felt as if we were falling in slow motion. All that I could see from my window now was rocks and trees. I looked down at my phone which had dimmed from lack of attention and I tapped the screen and it brightened. As fast as I could with tears in my eyes and shaky fingers I typed 'I love you' into the message box. I jabbed the send button and a dialouge box popped up. 'Send draft to Mikey Way?' it read.

Everything went black before I could hit 'Yes'

Mikey's Point Of View, Present Day


Today was the anniversary of her death. Four. Years. Four god damned years without the girl who made me smile more in one day than my own brother could in a week. Normally I would wake up to a Good Morning text from Gerard, but he knew to leave me alone on the anniversary. I snapped at him last time, because he was just so happy. Happy on the day that the one I loved died. I was harsh because it just hurt so much. Of course I apologized a few days later.

Instead of rising from my warm comfy bed to make breakfast, I just rolled over and cried. Not as hard as I had before, but I still felt the same amount of pain. I laid there and cried for an hour, or two or three. I didn't know and I didn't care. I heard a few soft knocks on my door which surprised me, but I still got up to open my door slightly.

There stood my brother, the slightest hint of amusement ligering on his lips. Seeing something as little as that sent anger boiling inside me, but I kept my cool. "What do you want?" I said a little too harshly.

All the emotion drained from his face and he looked me in the eye.

"I just uh...wanted to check on you." he said, sounding sincere.

"I also brought you some pancakes because I knew you wouldn't make anything for youself and I wanted you to eat get it." I couldn't stop the anger that was rising inside me.

"Yeah? Well, I'm fine. I don't need your sympathy." I snapped at him and then slammed the door in his face. I walked back to my bed and flopped down on it.

"I'll leave the pancakes for you here, Mikes." Thats all he said to me before he left. I was actually kind of happy that he left the pancakes cause I was super hungry. I pulled the door open and picked the plate up off the floor. I sat back down on my bad and chowed down.

After I finished I laid back down to take a nap. The number one rule for the anniversary is: Never leave my room and thats just what I'll do. No more answering any of my doors. No looking at my phone. Just sleep. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

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