1~ Helpless

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Alex's POV~~

I smile as we all walk down the hall together, heading for the exit. It's the weekend, which means we all get to hangout and cuddle a bunch! Thomas and John hold my hands as we walk, and I'm getting a 'piggy-back ride' from Laf. Suddenly, we hear crying around the corner, along with laughter. We all look at each other and nod, as if we're speaking telepathically. We turn the corner, and all freeze... there's a small and very frail girl, sobbing in pain and fear as a group of jocks beat her up. I jump off of Laf's back, let go of Thomas and John's hands, and walk up to them "hey! Get away from her!" They stop and slowly turn to face me. I sense the other guys walk up behind me for back-up, and the jocks actually tense in fear the slightest. They slowly back up a few feet, then run. The girl is curled up into a ball, shaking and looking at us. After a moment of exchanging glances, she blushes lightly and speaks in a timid, hoarse voice "..y-you guys.. stood up for m-me.." she sniffles, then asks "..why?.." I think I can speak for everyone when I say that just broke our hearts. Laurens puts a reassuring hand out to her "because no one deserves to be treated like that.." her blush grows as she takes his hands and she stands, her joints popping and clicking. She whimpers and leans against Herc for support. I then decide to pick her up bridal style; it looked like walking was not an option right now. Her face flushes red and we all smile at her. Thomas looks at her "how about we get those wounds treated for you, miss.." she smiles very faintly "(Y-YN).. and th-that would be nice.. I-if it's not any trouble for you guys I mean.." we all shake our heads and speak in sync "No no! Not at all!" She blushes even harder and giggles softly. We all chuckle and start to carry her to Burr's car. When there, I got in the way back, (YN) in my lap, Laurens and Herc  sitting next to us, and everyone but Thomas and Burr filling in the middle seats. The other two sit in the passenger and driver seats, and we're off. James looks back at (YN) "so where should we drop you off after?" She trembled a bit "..y-you can just drop me off at a bustop.." Laf cocks his head "But shouldn't we drop you off at home?" Tears prick her eyes and she vigorously shakes her head "I-I.." Laurens rubs her arm and she bursts into tears "PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO MY PARENTS!" She hides her face in my chest and sobs. Burr looks back at her through the rear-view. It's clear just through his look that he's very concerned "..How about we go to my place and you can stay the night, (YN)?" She slowly looks around at everyone, still softly crying, before whispering out a very sheepish "y-yes please.." and, I cradle her all the way to his place.

Once inside, we all walk to the living room and sit on the floor. (YN) sits in my lap still as we all start to introduce ourselves. She blushes as she listens to all of us. I don't really think much of it; it most likely has to do with her sheepishness. Herc quickly grabs a first-aid and starts to bandage her up. She whimpers at the stinging of the disinfectant, and squeezes James and Thomas' hands tight. After that's done, everyone gets up. I set up an air mattress for (YN), thinking she'll want her own bed, away from us. While I do this, the other's start to cook dinner, and (YN).. just sits, curled up in a ball. After that, not much happens.. until about 2AM..

The guys and I are all snuggled up in our huge king-sized bed, while (YN) is sleeping in the living room. We're sleeping peacefully, until we hear (YN) yell out in fear and start sobbing. I immediately jump awake at that, followed by the others. We rush down, to be greeted by a trembling and sobbing (YN). Thomas runs to her and pulls her into a big embrace. James joins him, followed by Herc and Laf. Burr, Laurens, and me quickly follow them and we're now all hugging and cradling her. I can't quite tell, but it looks as if she's blushing deeply. She nuzzles into Burr's chest, and we all gush; that was adorable! She yawns and falls back asleep peacefully in our arms. We rush back upstairs and put her in the middle of the bed. We all snuggle up to her and smiles warmly, then go back to sleep

We all wake up in the morning to an adorable looking (YN), stretching and rubbing her eyes as she wakes up. She sees up all smiling at her and hides her face. John chuckles and he rubs her arm reassuringly. She blushes more and peaks at us. She tries to stutter something out, but then she stops herself "..n-Nevermind.. it's not ok t-to say that.. I-I don't know why I thought it would be.." Thomas pouts at that "it's ok, (YN)" I hold her hand "what did you want to say?" She trembles a bit "I-it's not.. ok..I-it's wrong t-to assume I could even talk about this.." Herc pulls her a bit closer to him "(YN), we promise we won't judge.. please don't bottle it up.." she slowly nods and looks away from us "I-I think..I..well I know I just met you guys.. but, you g-guys are the first people to ever care about and f-for me.. you guys are so sweet, and funny, and.. cute.." we all look at each other and blush. After a few seconds of silence, James spoke up "are you...?" She shakes more "n-Nevermind! It was a stupid idea! Y-you guys obviously have each other! Why would you need m--" we all cut her off by hugging her tightly, then all speaking in sync "I think it's a good idea!" As we all blush even harder, John finishes by saying "I-I'm certain I can speak for the other guys when I say we like you too" we all nod in agreement as tears prick her eyes. She slowly smiles as the tears fall and we all start to cradle her. She giggles a bit and nuzzles into me. We all smile warmly at each other, then at her.

This is nice.

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