Tier 1: Refuge

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We had arrived at the new place we were going to be living at. I had followed my sister inside and explored it rooms. Turns out we will be enrolled into night school. I was a bit confused because we usually hunt at night. Does Katsuro not want me to hunt anymore? I gathered my school uniform and sat it aside so I can easily grab it.
We say down at the dinner table and had our meal before readying ourselves for class. I tucked a dagger into my boot and my bandana in my bag, it hides my identity when hunting. I grabbed the necessary paperwork and walked to the car. Uncle took me and Haruka to the academy and dropped us off. Hmm. New school. New people.
"Haru-chan, be careful sis. I'll see you after school." She smiled and gave me a tight hug before I headed to my first class. I looked at the floor avoiding the looks I was given. I glanced at the small map and looked ahead. So.. This is the class? Literature. Great. My least favorite subject. I walked in and picked a seat before class started.
The teacher walked in after the bell rang and greeted everyone before looking at her roll sheet. "Okay class. New student today. Please come to the front of the class." I nodded and stood, making my way up there. I turned to the other students. "Introduce yourself. please."
"I am Ichiro Michaelis. 18 years old from Kyoto Japan." I bowed and they said their hellos before I headed back to my seat. I felt a gaze on me but I didn't know who's it was. I looked around the class to see no one really staring. Hmm, that's weird. I went through my first class and packed up, slipping on my bag. I stepped out and accidentally stepped in the way of someone. I stumbled back and instantly bowed. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you."
I heard a deep chuckle and I looked up to see a tall man with purple hair. He pushed up his glasses and met my gaze. I straightened up and rubbed my neck.
"Don't apologize. It was my fault. You're the new student in my class right?"
"Uh... Yeah. I'm.." I was cut off.
"Ichiro. It's a pleasure." He extended his gloved hand to me. I took it and nodded. "I'm Reiji Sakamaki."
"Good to meet you." I did faintly flinch when I felt his cold hand through the glove. Is he sick or something? I let his hand go and a chill went down my spine. He feels dead. I kept my mouth shut about it and I looked at him once more. "Do you have any other classes with me?"
His brows furrowed and he seemed to of been in thought. "Could I, by any chance, see your schedule?"
"Eh? Oh.. Yeah." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the paper, handing it to him. He read it over and a small smile crossed his features.
"We have the next class together and the last class. The other two, you have with my brother." He handed the page back and I took it lightly, returning it to my pocket.
"Oh, cool. At least I'll know someone at least. Uh..... You have a brother?" I kinda found it hard to believe. He looks like an only child.
"Yes. Older brother. He's a nuisance. Don't befriend him." Reiji folded his arms over his chest. "Shall we head to our next class?"
"Yeah. We can." Next is science. I can probably follow him. But.. His brother is a nuisance? Why?  I was lost in thought as I followed the purple haired man. I heard him clear his throat and I looked up, almost walking into him again. It was pretty embarrassing. We walked into the class together and I sat at a lab table next to him. He didn't seem to mind.

I wasn't usually a people person but I was surprised to of met someone day one. My sister would be proud. I was rude at our old school and had no friends. They were practically scared of me. I figured here, I'll try again to get close to people. So far, no one is pissing me off.

Class began and me and Reiji worked pretty well together with the experiments. He knew his chemicals. I took notes at the reactions and he mixed the final solution, making the the liquid turn an instant red, from a black. Woah. I was impressed. We compared our notes and he read over mine quietly. I looked at him curiously. Well dressed. Well mannered. He seemed like a father more than a student my age.
His gaze lifted and had met mine. I froze and we just looked at one another. I can't tell what he was seeing but he threw me of guard with his features. Not many people look this good. I felt like I was just dreaming but nope, it was reality. Our gaze was broke apart when the bell had rung. I looked away and began to put my things into my bag. He gave a look of disappointment before packing up as well. I stood from my seat and rubbed my neck.
"Join me for lunch?" Reiji put his backpack on and I tensed. He's asking for me to join him?
"Sure. I just want to check on my sister first. She two grades below me."
"No rush. I sit in the courtyard beneath the willow tree. When you're done, find me." He bowed his head and turned to walk down the hall. I felt so nervous just now. Heh, probably nothing. I turned in the direction of the first year building and rushed over. My sister was speaking to a kid with white hair, not paying attention to her surroundings. Nows my chance. I crept up behind her and half tackled her. She let out a startled squeak and covered her mouth in embarrassment. I laughed and released her only to be punched in the shoulder.
"Ichiro!! How meeaaannn." She whined and I attempted to hug her. She pushed me away and I laughed again.
"Oh come on. I had to." She rolled her eyes and I shrugged. "Well be careful. I'll see you after school." I pecked her cheek and turned to head to the courtyard. The willow wasn't hard to find and Reiji sat at the base with a book in his lap, reading. He's not hard to find. I walked over quietly and he looked up.
"Greetings Ichiro." He placed a bookmark where he stopped and shut the book.
"Hey." I took a seat at his side, keeping distance. His cold touch really had me feeling some type of way and I hoped it wasn't true. In my hunter guide, undead are cold to the touch. Vampires, ghouls, etc. So far, Reiji is coming off as a vampire. Vampire. Anger began to fill me and it wasn't good on my behalf. Especially since I was beginning to enjoy this man's company. I felt his gaze on me and I looked over. He was a bit close to me at this point and I tensed.
"Yeah?" I questioned and leaned back some, feeling my back press against the base of the tree. Yeah. Trying moving away by going into the tree.
"You're pretty interesting." He tilted his head and reached out to me, grabbing my chin. The cold chills went through me again but my fueling anger came back. Vampires are nothing but demons that kill and ruin lives.
"I know what you are." My blue eyes narrowed.
He pulled back and frowned a bit. "Huh?"
"You heard me, vampire." I kept my voice down but I was getting pretty pissed off.
"Of course. How'd you know?"
He's not denying it? Won't even try to?
"You're really cold. I studied your kind since I was five." I swallowed some when he came a bit closer. "My parents were turned by a pure blood. I had to kill them." He moved back some and pushed up his glasses.
"Oh. I am sorry to hear." His deep voice softened. I was surprised. Why is he sorry? "What are you if you know so much about my kind?"
"Take a guess?" I looked at him.
"I know I just want you to say it." Reiji's voice deepened some and he leaned toward me again.
"I slay your kind. I'm close to graduating as a full fledged hunter." I warned but he didn't seemed phased.
"Which is what makes you even more interesting. I've never met a vampire killer before." His gloved hand slipped along my neck to the back and his fingers gripped onto my hair. I flinched and exhaled a quick breath.
"I was beginning to enjoy your company. Now, I'm not sure I enjoy it anymore." I whispered harshly. I didn't want to make a scene. We were at school which is why I didn't understand what he was doing. Then I realized the willow tree shielded us some and was a bit isolated.
"Oh no. I am glad I met you. Your scent just distracts me. You don't smell human."
"Huh?" I don't smell human? "I'm human though." I held his light red gaze and glared.
"Hmmmm." He leaned into my neck and sniffed along it. "I can't pinpoint this scent." I felt his breath on my neck and I shivered a bit. I was getting a bit anxious and so I pushed against his chest to get him away from me but it's like my 13 years of fighting vampires wasn't affective. My strength didn't work on him. What the hell is happening. He bared his fangs and moved my collar out of the way. I felt the canines graze my skin and a heartbeat pulse shot through me and my chest began to hurt. I winced and laid a hand over my heart.
Reiji froze and pulled back, eyes widened. "What was that?"
I felt like I couldn't breathe. My throat burned and it trailed along to my left side. I laid a hand over my side too and tumbled over onto the dirt ground. The vampire pulled me into his arms.
"What's happening?" He seemed a bit panicked.
"It all..... burns....." I gestured to my side then my neck. "Burns...... a..... a ton... can't..."
He cut me off and loosened my collar some. He also took a deep breath and pressed his lips against mine just after I had parted them, about to try and breathe myself. My eyes widened and I felt his air enter my throat, calming the burning sensation. I froze up and just stayed there in his arms not knowing how to react. What the hell is he doing? He just tried to bite me. He moved his lips back for a moment and our lips met again, kissing me this time. He pulled back shortly and looked at me, his light ruby eyes narrowing beneath his glasses.
"My apologies. I tried to help. If it acts up later. I might have something you can use to numb it." He released me and began to stand.
A vampire, helping? I sat up and caught hold of the edge of his blazer. "Wait.." He turned and looked down at me. "Thank... Thank you." That anger I had for vampires died toward him. My face was bit red. I was just kissed. I didn't even want to question him about that. "Why did you try to bite me?"
"Your scent drew me in. I figured you must be special but whatever it is, it wouldn't let me." Reiji was a bit confused.
"That burning." I put a hand to my neck and questioned how it happened.
I couldn't ask anymore because the bell rang soon after. He said his goodbye and left me alone at the willow tree. It was burning my side to... I stood and lifted my uniform shirt to see the pentagram that I've had my whole life. Were you burning me? What even are you? I had questions but I doubt anyone knew the answers to them. I grabbed my bag and began to stroll to class. I had a health class. So. Reiji said he had a brother. I wonder who he...
A blonde came into my view and took a seat in a desk by mine. His eyes were as blue as mine. I raised a brow at him and looked ahead, paying no attention. Is his brother with the same color hair or? I was lost in thought throughout the whole class until a name was called.
"Shu Sakamaki." The teacher spoke harshly.
That blonde opened his eyes and looked at the older man. "Aa?"
"Pay attention. Sleeping is not allowed in here." He warned.
I looked over at him. Sakamaki.. That's Reiji's last name. Wait. My eyes widened. That's his brother?! Shu was getting to his feet once class ended. I packed up and stood. I'll only know by touch. Reiji is extremely cold. I followed Shu out and bowed my head to him.
"Uh.. Hi. You're Reiji's brother?"
He stopped walking and his gaze connected with mine. "Aa. What of it?" I rubbed my arm and he raised a brow at me. "I'm Shu. Being Reiji's brother is just a curse. Don't get attached to him, Ichiro. Hm. I'll see you in the next class."
I gawked at him as he walked away from me. How did he... I narrowed my eyes and began to walk in the same direction to class.
The next class was pretty much the same boring shit. Shu didn't bother trying to talk to me at all. I hope I didn't make him mad. I have felt him staring and it was a bit unsettling. I just didn't return the gaze. Class was over and I basically was the first to leave. I headed to my last class which was gym. I personally hated gym but the teacher had us swimming. Which was good since I loved swimming. I changed into my swimwear and slipped a hand through my black hair, putting my goggles on to rest on my forehead. I avoided talking to the other males in class but the girls were the ones staring. I rubbed my neck and said nothing.
"Okay swimmers. Up on the diving block. I am going to test your speed." The gym teacher spoke up, readying a whistle. I stepped into the block and lowered the goggles over my eyes. I looked around for a bit and Reiji wasn't in swimwear. He has a book on his lap and his eyes watched me closely. I could feel my face heating up, upon the fact of still feeling his lips. I looked away and laid a hand on the pentagram tattoo. It burned a little but wasn't as bad as earlier. We readied into a stance and we dove into the water when the whistled sounded start. My dive was a bit more farther that other four males. I put in what physical power I had and swam ahead during the freestyle. I reached the end of the pool and tucked beneath the water, spinning and kicking off to start my way back. I kept going even if the burning was starting up again. I finished and slipped off the goggles.
"Very good Ichiro. Pretty good swimming."
I nodded and climbed out grabbing my towel.
The rest of class was the same. I showered and got back into my uniform before stepping out of the locker room.
I headed to the front of school and looked around for my sister. I checked my cell and narrowed my eyes. Hey bro. I left school a class early. I got sick. I sighed and put the cell away. I guess I'm walking home. I turned and began walking in the direction of home. I heard a rumbling in the clouds and sighed. Oh no. Rain.
It began to pour a ton. I kept beneath the trees the best I could to not be in the direct down pour. I took a seat beneath an awning and had a breather. It didn't last long when a revolting smell filled the air. I reached into my boot and drew out the silver dagger. Trouble? Here? I thought this area was peaceful. I stood up and looked around. I couldn't see much through the harsh rainfall.
Hissing came from all around me and I tensed. Level Es. I knew it was them when the red eyes came into view. I only had a dagger with me and there was around six of them. I set my bag down beneath the awning to not get soaked as I sprung forward, slicing the silver dagger along ones chest. It turned into a pile of dust and the others attacked. I took them out one at a time with ease. I panted and was now soaked from the rain. My hair stuck to the sides of my face and I looked ahead. Huh? Something walked toward me and I instantly fell under the spell. What is this? It was another Level E. It grabbed me by the blazer and looked into my eyes with a smirk.
"Impresssssssive." She hissed and raised my head, me unable to fight back. She leaned into my neck quickly, sinking her fangs into my neck. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to pull away. She giggled and I slumped to my knees. A pulse shot through me and soon enough, the Level E caught fire from the inside and began screaming. I winced and felt the burning sensation again. The pentagram was glowing beneath my clothing. This is trippy. I groaned and fell to the side, blacking out. I caught glimpse of someone slicing the head off the burning woman, but that was all I saw.

Sunlight hit my face and I winced, opening my eyes groggily. What happened? I slowly sat up and looked around. Huh?! This isn't my home!! It was pretty fancy inside. I turned to get up only to accidentally knock something of the couch. It was my backpack. Who's place is this? I tried to stand but a sharp pain pulsed through my chest making my heartbeat speed up. I felt dizzy and I sat back down, shutting my eyes. Oww.
"You should be more careful." A deep voice came from a chair nearby.
I flinched in surprise and looked around, recognizing Reiji at an instant. "R... Reiji? What.. What is going on? Where am I?"
"You're in my home. Don't mind my five siblings. They've never met a vampire killer before."
"What.... Siblings?? You... You have siblings?!" I snapped. "Uh.. Do they....?" I started again but was cut off.
"No but, we watched the fight from inside. You're pretty impressive. I've been wondering what was drawing me to your blood. I witnessed it. That vampire burned alive after feeding from you." He slipped off his glasses and stood up, approaching me.
"Eh? Reiji. What are you planning? You can't possibly try again." I growled and he had chuckled. "You'll probably burn alive too." I muttered. I will admit. First friend is the charm and Reiji was the first to even speak to me. I didn't want him to make a move he'll regret.
"The only way I could die is my head removed from my shoulders." He pushed me down on the couch and leaned down some. I struggled some and tried to talk him out of it. He was stronger than me and it really pissed me off. I'm supposed to be strong. "Stay still." He ordered and trailed his tongue up my neck. I gasped and struggled beneath his weight.
"Reiji." I narrowed my eyes and attempted to take a swing at him. I had missed and his grip ended up around my wrist, holding it down. I glared daggers but was unable to move at this point. His teeth bit into the crook of my neck and an awkwardly sensational feeling flooded through me. I shut my eyes and let out a ragged breath. This is what a real vampire bite feels like? Its pretty weird. We're both male. I struggled some more and he moved his fangs further in. I gasped sharply and raised my head providing more access. Reiji's cold feeling hands trailed along my school uniform making me tense up. The feeling ended when he pulled back, licking my blood off his lips.
His eyes watched me and I slowly opened mine, meeting his gaze.
"Not a taste I expected. It made me drunk for more." He breathed against my lips and I turned my head away. Seeming disappointed, he created distance between us. "I'll let you rest here and I'll take you home when you're better. Let me know when that is. I don't mind providing refuge for you, hunter. I won't even tell the others what you are. It can stay between us." He climbed off me and put his glasses back on before walking away. I was dazed and I laid a hand on the side of my neck.

What just happened?
Where did my hunter
persona go during all that?

However, I must be the
best hunter in the family.
This weak shell has to be no more.

Okay so hope you enjoyed chapter one. I wanted to do a male protagonist for this and Ichiro was top pick for this. c':

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