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Camila has dismissed yesterday as a fatigue induced hallucination. That certainly couldn't be real.

The next day went pretty normal. She went through her usual works and attended to Sofi.

She went to her own private laboratory. Camila is really priviledged to have her own medical lab with state of the art equipment in their house. She's done most of her experimentation here.
(That means Camila literally has dead bodies on their house)

When she turned on the lights, Lauren appeared sitting on one of the beds.

"Finally. It's about time" Lauren greeted

So it wasn't a dream.

"Honestly. I don't know what to do with you" Camila muttered.

"It's really simple doctor. Examine me. Take a sample of my cells. You'll see how I'm not lying"


Camila prepared all the needed apparatus.

She looked at Lauren who was waiting impatiently.

"Strip" Camila commanded

"Excuse me?"

"You wanted to be examined right? You need to be undressed"

"Understandable" Lauren started to remove her clothing.

Camila tried to be professional and not to stare at the vampire's body. She was literally perfection, her porcelain skin glowed and her body looked like it has been molded by a Greek sculptor.

'Get your shit together' Camila mentally instructed herself.

She performed a series of x-rays and scans.

"Wow.." Camila mumbled as she went through the result. It really confirmed that Lauren is not indeed a human. Her body's anatomy is completely different.

"Well..do you believe me now?" Lauren asked

"I will have to study this some more later. I will now get your cell samples"

Camila drew some blood from Lauren and got some tissues from Lauren's skin. Lauren insisted to do it with no anaesthetic.

"Does this hurt you at all?" Camila asked as she skinned a bit of Lauren's leg.

"It does. It just doesn't bother me. Carry on with your work" Lauren answered.

After everything has been collected. Camila patched Lauren up.

Lauren jumped off the operating bed as if nothing happened and dressed herself with her dark clothing omce again

"So..what do you say Dr. Cabello?" She asked.

Camila was still grasping the whole situation. "I have questions."

"Of course you do. And I'll answer as much as I can"

"Have you thought this through?"

"I have wanted to become human for many  years possibly before you were even born. Yes I did"

"Being human is more complex than you think Lauren. It's going to be a total change for you. Do you understand that there will be risk? What if your vampiric body will refuse the change? And if you did turn human you will be stripped off all of your abilities. Can you adapt with it?"

"I understand the risks. And I'm going to take it" Lauren assured

"Why me Lauren? There are lots of other skilled doctors to terrorize."

The Vampire and The Scientist (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now