Chapter 3

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   "What should I do?" I asked Fiona. The two of us were sitting on our beds, talking about my problem with Enoch and Victor. So far, neither of us had come up with a solution, "I don't want to hurt either of their feelings. I mean yesterday Enoch said that he just wanted a good friend so he could have a place in the world but he kissed me so I'm not sure. And honestly I just met you all so I don't think I've known either of them long enough to be in a relationship."

"I understand that," Fiona said softly. According to Hugh, I was the only one other than himself that Fiona talked to, "I guess go with your gut feeling. Choose who you think will treat you better."

"Thank you Fi, I said. I decided to take her advice. I trusted Fiona, she was always completely honest. I left her in the bedroom and walked and walked down the stairs to the parlor I sat down on one of the sofas and picked up the book I had been reading, Oliver Twist. Millard had lent it to me, he said it was a classic and that I absolutely had to read it so I took his word for it.

"Hey Cora," said a voice. I turned to see a floating jacket. Millard sat down next to me, "How have you been?" he said, kissing my cheek.

"Not you too," I cried, "I don't want to turn this into a choice between three people, it's hard enough with just two."

"Oh, terribly sorry, I forgot about this whole you, Enoch and Victor thing. I don't want to be a part of this. How's the book?" asked Millard.

"It's amazing!" I said.

"I have other books. If you ever want to read one just stop by my room," Millard said.

"Thanks Millard," I said closing the book, "I'm going to head outside."

"Anytime," said Millard.

I walked over to Olive, Emma, and Wyn who were throwing a ball to each other. I joined the game and as we were playing, Emma and Wyn were asking me questions.

"Have you decided yet?" asked Bronwyn.

"Not yet," I answered.

"Who are you leaning towards?" asked Emma.

"Probably Victor but I haven't decided yet," I answered.

"What are you all even talking about?" asked Olive.

"You're a little too young for this, I'll tell you when you're older," said Wyn, resting her hand on Olive's shoulder.

Knowing life in a loop, that wasn't guaranteed. Olive could be a seven year old forever. She may never understand.

Later in the day, I was sitting in a tree, watching the other children play. I was enjoying it here, everyone had welcomed Olive and I and now, we were part of the family. It was going to take time to get used to though.

"Do you mind if I come up there?" asked someone. I looked down to see the grinning face of Victor Bruntley.

"No, I don't mind," I said, beckoning for him to come up.

He climbed up into the tree and crouched down next to me. We sat in silence for a moment or two.

"So Cora, how have you been feeling about this whole issue?" he asked.

"She's made her decision!" called Bronwyn from across the yard.

"Is that true?" asked Victor.

"Sort of, I've been thinking, and I've been talking to your sister and I'm pretty sure I've come to a conclusion," I said, fiddling with the hem of my of my dress, a habit that I had adopted over the years.

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