Chapter 2

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I woke up at around three am to screaming coming from down the hall. Fiona groaned.

"What in the world?" I asked.

"It's just Horace," answered Fiona.

"Is he alright?" asked Olive worriedly.

"He's fine, it's part of the whole premonitory dream thing," explained Fiona, "You can go back to sleep."

I fell back into a peaceful slumber, and when I awoke the first thing I saw was Enoch. He was hovering right above my bed.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"Morning Sunshine!" he said, "It's time for breakfast."

I followed Enoch to the dining room. We had a delicious breakfast of waffles with peaches and cream that Emma and Wyn had made.

After breakfast we went to the classroom for daily studies. Miss Peregrine said that we would be having a special class today for Olive and I about loops, ymbrynes, and basically everything else that we needed to know about being a peculiar. The children loved this lesson. They didn't get it very often, the last newcomers were Hugh and Fiona, and they came three years ago.

"Class dismissed," said Miss Peregrine, erasing the chalkboard, "You all may go play."

The children exited the room. "Let's go to the beach," said Wyn.

We all agreed and the girls went upstairs to get changed. Fiona lent me one of her swimsuits and Olive used one of Charlotte's, a girl who used to live at the home. Miss Peregrine packed a picnic lunch for all of us.

"Take care of everyone, Victor," she said, "If you see any suspicious persons, come back right away."

Victor nodded. He was the second oldest of the children, after Enoch, who had previously lived in another loop. Victor was also the most responsible of us. He took the picnic basket and led the rest of us out the door.

The beach was quite nice. All of the boys stripped down to their knickers except Horace, who only took off his tie and top hat.

"He does this every time, get used to it," said Victor.

Olive had a great time, Miss Peregrine was able to create a pair of shoes that could keep her in the water without floating away.

"Watch out Cora!" cried Millard.

I turned but it was too late. Splash! Victor had snuck up behind me and tackled me. He picked me up.

"Victor!" I said, annoyed.

Everyone was laughing. Victor set me back in the water.

"I'm just messing with you Cora. Just relax and have some fun," said Victor, putting his arms around me. I hugged him back, both of us still laughing.

At around noon, everyone got out of the water to eat lunch. Miss Peregrine had packed sandwiches with leftover goose, spinach, and tomatoes. When lunch was finished we all jumped back in the water. I followed Emma, Millard, and Bronwyn to the dock, where they liked to jump off. The rest of the day was spent swimming, having races, and Millard sneaking up on random people. Eventually, the sun began to set.

"Time to start packing up, Miss P's probably waiting for us," shouted Victor.

He grabbed the picnic basket in one hand. His other hand brushed mine as we walked. He took my hand in his, intertwining his fingers with mine. I didn't know what to think but I didn't pull away. If say Enoch, tried to do that I would have not allowed it but Victor was different.

I'd never liked a guy in this way before. All of the boys at my school in Edinburgh hated me because of my telepathy. Victor seemed to care and accept my ability- all the children did, but Victor especially.

I caught Bronwyn and Emma smiling. Wyn was happy for her brother and Emma saw it coming. So did Horace, one look into his thoughts told me that he had seen this in his dreams.

That night, I said good night to everyone again.

"What's up with my brother?" Bronwyn asked, "He's never like this."

"I don't know, I think he likes me but I'm not sure if I like him back, I mean I just got here yesterday," I said.

"I know he likes you, I can tell. Why don't you just read his mind?" asked Emma.

"I don't really like to read people's minds, especially boy's because it's just crazy, I get headaches from all of those disorganized thoughts," I said.

"Well goodnight," said Bronwyn.

When I got to Victor's room I saw Enoch frowning. What was up with him? He was so happy earlier today. Victor hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Love you Cora," he said.

I didn't know what to think and neither did Enoch. He left the room glaring at us.

"Wait Enoch!" I cried, going after him, "Goodnight guys."

I found Enoch in the basement, his usual hideout. I tried approaching him.

"Go away!" said Enoch.

Even in the dim light, I could tell that he'd been crying. I sat down next to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said looking away.

I looked at him, "Tell me, I'll find out anyways," I said.

"Fine, I'll tell you, but promise not to tell anyone else. It'll be our secret," he said.

I agreed. I hadn't planned on telling anyone anyways.

"So I'm kind of jealous of Victor," Enoch said suddenly, "He really likes you and you seem to like him back, and I thought that we could be friends but you've been spending all your time with him and it's been bothering me."

"I'm sorry Enoch. I do like Victor a lot but I'm not sure if I like him like that. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, it was extremely rude of me," I said.

When Enoch kissed me I didn't pull away but I didn't really kiss back. I just didn't like him as a love interest. Enoch embraced me so tightly I thought that my ribs would break but I hugged him back, glad to have a friend.

Enoch picked me up and took me upstairs. He placed me gently on my bed and covered me with the sheets. He kissed my forehead.

"Night Sunshine," he murmured, walking to the door, closing it. I turned over, trying to figure out what to do about this.

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