You Cheat!: Year 2

Start from the beginning

"No way. No way!" She leaped to her feet, a tiny grin spreading across her face at the news.

"We need to pay another visit to her bathroom," Harry decided, earning two nods from his friends. Hopefully, it wouldn't prove as difficult as sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.


Transfiguration brought news Amisty hadn't had any clue was coming.

They would start exams next week. She wasn't the only one who was unhappy, judging by the protests that erupted around the classroom.

"Exams? We're still getting exams?" Seamus shouted, slamming his hands on his table.

His words were only accented as one of the legs holding up Neville's own desk disappeared with a bang.

His wand had slipped.

Professor McGonagall replaced it easily with a quick wave of her wand. She was used to incidents like that, by now.

"The whole point of keeping the school open at this time is for you to receive your education. The exams will therefore take place as usual, and I trust you are all studying hard," She replied sternly.

Amisty stiffened in her chair, desperately going over all the information she had learned.

Well, her Defense Against the Dark Arts score was doomed the second Gilderoy Lockhart walked into the castle, maybe Potions could make up for it.

Snape in no way liked her, but it definitely wasn't her worst subject.

Transfiguration and Charms couldn't be that hard. At least for those three subjects she had capable teachers teaching her.

Annoyed mutters rustled around the room.

"Professor Dumbledore's instructions were to keep the school running as normally as possible. And that, I need hardly point out, means finding out how much you have learned this year," Professor McGonagall turned her green gaze on everyone in the room, silencing all the complaints in an instant.

Amisty glanced over at her two friends. Both were sitting with rather defeated expressions on their faces.

Ron held up his wand, it was whistling.

"Can you imagine me taking exams with this?" He asked dejectedly.


Dear 'You',

That's not fair! It's not my fault that Echo flew off! You better give me your name soon, you cheat. This is the worst way to use a loophole I've ever seen, and I use them all the time. On the topic of my health, don't pretend I didn't notice you try to change the subject, cheater, I'm alright. The Chamber has just been rather stressful on me. Once again, Hermione being petrified hasn't helped. Once this is all done with I'll be back to normal, so don't worry yourself too much about it. I'm still mad, just so you know!

Good luck on your exams (cheater), Amisty

She was finishing off her letter just before she was to head down for breakfast.

Her frustration was evident in how deeply the quill scratched into the parchment.

She didn't care, however, she had every right to be upset. So, after folding up the letter and slipping it into an envelope, she raced down the stairs to go to breakfast with Harry and Ron.

Once down at the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall stood to make another announcement.

"I have good news," She raised a hand for silence. She was greeted with cheers instead.

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