dfghggukhtrrSdtytjyhkerf (JeRza)

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Prologue Four- Part Two: dfghggukhtrrSdtytjyhkerf

Day: 31st December- ERZA- turns 17- 8:45pm- SCARLET ESTATE
"Erza dear, how do you like this party?" 'My Alcoholic Uncle' asked.

"It's ok... Don't you have guests to attend to?" I asked.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Mr Fernandes's son, Jellal will becoming!"


"And I want you to get along with him, because we're planning to arrange a marriage to join the Scarlet and Fenandes family."

"Oh, so why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"Because we would have had a disagreement!"


"I better go back to the guests!"


The Scalet and Fernandes families are wealthy and powerful.

Yet the heirs, (Jellal and I,) both pose as average high school students at Fairy Tail high.

"Jellal, have you met Miss Scarlet?" My uncle said leading Jellal over to me.

He bent on a knee and held my hand kissing it, "what pleasure to meet you Miss Scarlet, I believe I have never met you in person before."

I swear if I wasn't so tired I would have hit him

"The pleasure is all mine Mr Fernandes," I said with a fake smile.

"Oh, now the tour's been cut short, I have to talk to a special guest, I do expect Erza will show you around," uncle said quickly winking to Jellal, ew how disgusting!

"Mr Fernandes, please do come this way!" I dragged him behind some trees into a private clearing.

"Now, now Erza, the betrothal hasn't been fully agreed to yet! So don't let your teenage hormones get too active!" I said smirking when weren't insight of guests. I gave him the biggest death glare I could.

"I'm too tired to hit you right now, but you won't get away with that comment. Why are you here anyway!"

"My dad had a meeting so I came to represent him, and I also got a separate invitation. I guess the winks I've been getting would explain my invitation..."

"Jellal... Anyway I can't be stuffed, this party is so boring!"

"Hm, so your issue is boredom, what do you want me to do..." He asked with a suggestive tone.

"I'm going to ignore you, but how do adults do it, how do they survive through a party?"

"Punch, the fruit drink!"

"Fruit drink, what's that gonna do?"

"Your, uncle is a total alcoholic, I wouldn't trust him getting me a glass of water!"

"Oh, wait... I'm not getting drunk with you idiot!"

"Just tipsy! You'll be a bit more relaxed!"

"Uh, doesn't alcohol taste bad?"

"Look, try a little bit ok!"

He pulled me over to the punch bowl and we shared a cup, it was actually pretty good.

He then took me over to the food, the strawberry short cake and the strawberry chocolate tasted really good. The trifle had a great mix of berries and pomegranate.

After the food I felt weird, really happy and relaxed.

"Jellal-chan! I command you to give me a piggy back ride!"

"Why you tell me what to do!?" He mumbled picking me up bridal style.

He was kind of cute when he was drunk, he was a lot more shy!

"Hehehe, Jellal, I'm your princess!"

"Er-chan, you're embarrassing me!"

"You have soft hairy!"


I started licking a bit of his hair, it didn't taste very good.

He put me on my feet and ate some cake while giving me a glass of water.

"Jellal am I your princess?"

"Well, you're delicate enough to we a princess!"

"What!" I said getting into a fighting stance.

He hugged me catching me off guard and we fell over and rolled down the hill.

When we stopped rolling he helped me up. But we were both dizzy so I fell on him.

"Look fireworks, happy new year." I said grinning.

"Happy new year, Erza!"

Hehe, Drunk JeRza moments are the best!

Thanks for reading! Do you think the story idea is good or not?


By the way DISCLAIMER: don't own FairyTail, song titles, high school musical, book titles ect-

365 days of NaLu, GrUvia, GaLe and JeRza: prologueWhere stories live. Discover now