I don't care if you're contagious! (GrUvia)

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Prologue Two- Part Two: I don't care if you're contagious

Day: 31st December- JUVIA- turns 16- 6:30pm- GRAY-SAMA'S HOUSE
I nervously stood in front of the house. My family and I had been invited for dinner

"Welcome in, don't be shy now, Oh! You must be Juvia!" Said a beautiful woman. She had short black hair and pale skin.

"Oh Ur, thank you so much for inviting us!" My father said. Ur grinned and pulled us inside.

The house was cozy and cute, kind of like how I would want my house to be when I move out.

My parents started to complement Ur's house so I peeked into the dining room/ kitchen, to see an attractive blonde boy putting salad on the table.

That's when I heard it. A deep voice, alluring but cold. "Lyon, where does this go?" The person who's voice matched it belonged to a dark haired boy. He had grey eyes and pale skin.

I felt a blush start to creep up my face. He looked like a prince from a story.

"Gray, put that here!" Said the other boy 'Lyon' to the stunning boy.


Ur lead us to the dining table

We ate in silence, then headed up to Gray's room.


"Oh Juvia, you are so pretty, I'm in love with you, kiss me!"

"No Gray, Juvia can't! Juvia has a cold! Juvia can't bare to get you sick my love!"

"Juvia, don't you know! I don't care if you're sick! I don't care if you're contagious! I would kiss you even if you were dead!" He whispered in my ear.

"Oh Gray! You're so dreamy!" I said inching closer to him.

He grinned and closed the gap...

"Juvia! Earth to Juvia, Gray is only in his underwear!" Some one whispered in my ear.

"Waaahhh! Juvia is so sorry, Juvia was not looking! Juvia was staring off into space!" I said covering my eyes.

"Hehehe, Juvia is so funny! Gray is fully dressed, it's just I've been calling you're name for ages and all you've done is stared off to space at Gray!"

I removed my hands, oh yeah! I'm here with Gray and Lyon, not in a fantasy of mine.

"So Juvia, do you have a boyfriend?" Lyon asked. Lyon was getting on my nerves, he was extremely desperate and couldn't see I wasn't interested.

"No, Juvia wasn't pretty enough in the relationship," I mumbled thinking back to my last boyfriend at my old school. He cheated on me with some other girl and dumped me.

"Oh Juvia you are pretty and you have nice blue hair, don't worry, even a great guy like me is single!"

"But you've never been in a relationship before, Lyon," Gray said with a smirk.

"Gray! Don't pick on me!"

"Gray-sama, Juvia can tell you haven't either," I said staring at him right in the eyes.

He looked shocked but quickly wore a poker face.

"Wha- hey don't call me sama, not even senpai," He mumbled.

"Wah! Juvia is so cute when she talks in third person," Lyon giggled trying to change the subject.

Gray stared at me with extreme disbelief.

"Juvia can see it in your eyes, like a lone wolf. Look fireworks." I said quickly trying to sound not so creepy.

I looked out the window. blue sparkles and snow on a black sky, like water freezing. I looked over at Gray. His eyes sparkled, light reflecting off them. The lonely grey started to lighten and a marvelous blue started to appear. It was only barely there, but it was still there!

A year was over and a new one had begun. Will I finally be free from this endless storm that rains over me and my close ones? Will I finally be able clean myself up and mend a broken heart.

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