Curse you Amazon!!!!

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So here I am again today's rant..........
the curse of Amazon!!!! Dramatic much.
Ok so when I was (young boi sniff sniff) searching for Panic! Merch you know when you are about to buy any new merch you have a fangirling fit so that's how I was but then  IT HAPPENED.I scroll down and met with something awful they misspell FUCKING BRENDON'S NAME!!!!! They didn't even put Brandon which is the usual name they use when they don't know how to correctly put his name,they put BRENDAN!! Like what in the world we're you thinking!!! Am I overreacting??? Yes I am.Do I care??? Of course I don't.Also I barely BARELY order the albums which they all delivered in time except one,which it happen to be 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out' after THREE DAMN weeks I got it.I practically rip out the package the second in was in my hands but like always my happiness didn't last.It look kinda  how can I say this...FAKE.My sis had the time of her life mocking me for waiting three damn Weekes just for a fake album but BUT the obsess person I am run to the computer and search through all AFYCSO pics fortunately it was the real one.I was so relieve it was the real one.So to add things up......



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