"Do not worry. Elisabete is healthy and so as the child. She just needs her rest." Eir whispered.

"See. I told you she would be fine, Loki." Ugo commented.

He looked up at all of them and smiled brightly. They were all soon drawn to the small infant resting in his arms and their faces lit up as he turned himself to reveal her face.

"Do I have a grandson or granddaughter?" Her father asked.

"Everyone...this is our sweet, little princess, Adelina Lokidottir." Loki announced.

"A girl! I told you!" Liana exclaimed quietly as Capriana stuck her tongue out at her.

"Can we hold her?" Her mother asked.

Loki nodded his head but found himself reluctant to hand her over. He chuckled in embarrassment and apologized.

"Do not be sorry. I was reluctant to hand over Tadeus to his father once I got to hold him. The first born is always special." Her mother explained.

"Yes. I can tell she's going to be very special to us." Loki commented softly, looking back down at his daughter.

After a few more moments, he handed her off to Elisabete's family and watched them all as they held her, making sure they didn't hurt her in any way. It wasn't until Ugo held her that he noticed something was off. He quickly noted the tears that welled in his eyes and wondered why he was having such a strong reaction to holding his daughter. Before Ugo could said another word, Loki quickly took back his daughter and held her to him as she slept. Ugo stared at Loki and smiled, bowing his head in agreement. Elisabete's mother and father kissed her temples before leaving with everyone else.

"Loki, you should get some rest now." Ugo spoke.

"I don't want to leave them here all alone. Anything could happen." Loki told him.

"I'll look after them." Ugo said.

"Thank you, but that is not necessary. I will stay with them through the rest of the night." Loki explained.

"As you wish, Loki." Ugo grinned and took his leave.

Once he left, Loki quickly looked around the room and it was just him, Elisabete, and Adelina. He then glanced down at his daughter to find her fast asleep in his arms, occasionally moving slightly to make herself comfortable. As he watched her, he broke down crying. He had the image of Sanit in his head holding Faust as a newborn in her arms. He saw the boy in his daughter. Both pure and innocent; neither having done any wrong in the world. Faust had not been asked to be born. He was just an accident as a result of Sanit and Thor's carelessness in the bedroom. For three years she cared for that boy and loved him with all her heart, despite being the son of the man he hated. And he took her son from her...and for what? His reasoning behind the boy's killing was lost to him and he could not understand why he had done it. Heimdall had shown him the image of Faust dead in the sea and all he wanted was to go back and tell Elisabete she was right. He was innocent and that debacle and had not asked to be born.

Loki knew he couldn't, and would not, let anyone touch his daughter. He would protect her with his entire being and would gladly give his life for her if that's what it came down to. He shuddered thinking about her being in Faust's spot. Just the thought of it made him want to retch all over the floor. He smiled weakly and softly caressed her cheek, chuckling and biting his lip as she reacted to his touch, leaning into it as she opened her mouth slightly. This child was his. She was his daughter and heir to the throne. Loki never thought this life would have ever happened for him. His eyes then looked over at Elisabete and he sighed watching her chest rise and fall as she slept. He wished she were awake so the two could look on their daughter and love her together. He stood from his seat and warily sat down on the edge of the bed, holding his breath as Elisabete furrowed her brow and moved. When she did not wake, Loki exhaled sharply and looked back down at Adelina. To his surprise, she had woken up and yawned, causing him to laugh softly.

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