Turn ons: holding her hand, cuddling, sensual love. Soft caressing.

Turn offs: strange people staring at her lady parts, pet talk, Scruffiness. BDSM.

Theme Songs:
'Fleur's Du Mal': There are many versions of this song on YouTube.

Merciless Cult by Dir En Grey


Basic reaper trained abilities.

Master Tactician

Pharmacist and alchemist- makes all kinds of tonics by the rare plants that grow in her palace garden. Her great grand father is unknowningly her test subject.

Reversed Wounds: A healing spell that is best used on mortal and fatal wounds. Heals torn tissues and organs and forces blood back into the veins all at an excelling rate.

Master of healing spells and arts. Kaidō.

More that I haven't even came up yet.

Medical ward doctor and surgeon.

Zanpakuto: a fancy and light katana with a dragon fly guard and a sky blue hilt.

Call: Gorge yourself!

subject noun verb

Saijitsu(feast) no(of) zenbu(all) Seijin(sages/saints)

Saijitsu Seijin no Zenbu

(A.N: I'm a total English language speaker so I have no idea if I got the Japanese right... Please forgive me...)

Shikai: Saijitsu Seijin no Zenbu - millions of reishi consuming dragon fly catterpillars that eat their enemies whole causing immense pain. They also eat dead flesh and plants to complete the second transformation if needed.(Meaning 'feast of all sages'/or saints- has nothing to do with Christianity or a book with the title.)

Bankai: Banbutsu naosu:
Energy taken from the previous eating the enemies, the dragon flies come out of the frog sage's mouth and heal several of the wounded with their healing and reviving flame touch.(Universal Mending.)

Zanpakuto's true form: A creepy looking huge and at times of it's choosing miniature green frog sage with big eyes, face, and mouth open wide. Wears shinto style monk clothes. It's gender is indeterminate by appearance. Has a wise personality and wishes best for Junko but wishes she was not so careless about her endeavors.

Seijin concept: I think it's rather funny that she has to use shikai to use bankai with Seijin. Also everyone's bankai in Bleach is an offensive attack, So I thought why not make her's a very powerful healing transformation.

Seijin represents the natural consumption of all things in nature, in order to bring new life, there has to be death. In order to grow and live a creature has to eat and in the process become an adult. Give new life and eventually die of whatever befalls them.

Bio: Junko is the twin of her brother Shima. She is polite, thoughtful and generous. Yet, she is over confident, fragile and has sudden bouts of anger. She always looks to help others before helping herself. She joined four because of that. After becoming head of the Arashi clan and her noble court ordered marriage. She blames herself for the misfortune she brought on to the Kuchiki clan while all the while she was really trying to help. She is of misfortune.

Character opinions:

Pre-teen Byakuya: I can't believe she told me to keep my anger in check...

Older brother Byakuya Kuchiki: Rukia, You will learn the etiquette of a noble woman from Lady Arashi, You are to treat her with the upmost respect.

Rukia Kuchiki after first encounter: I wonder if miss Miyako ever met lady Arashi. They both are soo lady like and kind. I like her company, It's kinda relaxing.

Tsunaryu Arashi: I don't know why men like my sister soo much, They are wasting their time staring at her, she will never notice them. Though other than that she is the best sister a girl can have.

Takibana Arashi: She may be a little emotional but my eldest daughter knows her strengths and responsibilities, That is all a mother could ask for.

Benkeimon Arashi to Shōyuki: I think she is poisoning my tea.

Shōyuki: Your accusation is negative, master. This cup contains organic materials mostly used in vitamins used to boast your immune system and cleanse your digestive tract and bowls. You may feel the the sudden need to use the bathroom.

Young and cute Soi Fon: Lady Yoruichi thinks I have things in common with her? The only similarity is the bangs of our hair style.

Retsu Unohana: She wishes to save lifes and give life? She was right to join squad four. I admire Lady Arashi for what she seeks to become.

Shunsui Kyōraku: Lovely fukutaisho Takibana's daughter has grown into a beautiful woman, I wonder what kind of flowers she likes?

Ukitake to Kyōraku: Shunsui, I told you several times in the past to absolutely have nothing to do with my former fukutaisho, She was more trouble than she is worth.

Kisuke Urahara: I used to trick her into going into the boys bathroom back in the basal school, walk into the wrong hot spring on purpose, amongst other things like what I did to Yoruichi, except Yoruichi kicked me in the balls in the end of my escapades. Jun may act like she is past those days but I know behind that calm, unassuming and sometimes cheerful face, she is plotting vengeance against me.... If I was to say I was terrified of anything... It's Jun with calm murderous intent and angry cat beast Yoruichi.

Yoruichi: Jun and I were like sisters. Our mothers were pregnant together and we were born days apart. We used to have sleep overs, make fun of Kisuke, get drunk and now she is to be married? Where did the time go to?

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