Chapter 17

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Jessica's POV

"Jessica. Brad. Wake up." I heard a voice say.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was cuddled up in someone's arms. I jumped up when I realized who it was... Bradley. I looked at him, he had his eyes already open looking at the person in the room.

"Mom?" I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Good morning to you too." My mom said smirking at me and then to Bradley and then back to me.

"Mom! I'm serious, why are you here? It's Sunday."

"Did you forget we had family dinner today?" She said.

"Shit! I'm so sorry mom. Everyone came over last night, we had something to drink and I guess I just forgot."

"It's fine, I came here because you didn't answer your phone and I got worried. Looks like I had nothing to be worried about." She said smiling at Bradley and I.

I looked at her with a 'seriously, nothing happened' look and said; "Whatever, mom. Look I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay. Oh Brad before I forget, your family is coming too so you should come too."

"Oh, yeah, of course." He said. I just rolled my eyes. Great just great.

"Okay, great. I'll see you two very soon." She said winking.

God, please help this woman.

"I love your mom." Bradley said when my mom walked out of my room.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to wake up the others." I said walking out of the room.

After everyone woke up,we ate breakfast and an hour later everyone left, except Bradley.

"I'm going to take a shower and get ready. There's a bathroom in the guest room, you can use it if you want." I said.

"Thank you." He said.

After the shower, I got dressed and walked back downstairs. I saw Bradley sitting on the couch in his old clothes. They were dirty from all the alcohol from last night.I felt bad, for some reason. I walked to the garage. I took a box with 'Garbage' on it. I opened it and took the pants and shirt that was in the box and walked back to the living room.

"You can try this on, if it fits you can wear it. Your clothes are dirty." I said giving him the clothes.

"Thanks." He said standing up. He walked to the bathroom and not long after he came back. The clothes fitted perfectly.

The clothes brought back a lot of bad memories.

"These clothes are amazing, who are these?" He said.

"That's not important, let's go." I said.

Without saying anything else he followed me to my car and we drove to my parents house in complete silence. Once we arrived at my parents house, I saw that Bradley's family and my sister were already there. We walked inside and walked to the loving room. We said hi to everyone and sat on the couch.

My sister looked at me with a weird look on her face and then looked at Bradley and then back to me.

"Why is Brad wearing Jake's clothes?" She asked me.

I looked at her in shock. Did she really just say that? Why couldn't she just ignore it like mom and dad?

"I thought you threw all his stuff away like 2 years ago." She said.


Mom, dad and I looked at her with a 'shut up' face.

"Who's Jake?" Ana asked.

"No o-" I started but my sister interrupted me.

"Her ex-boyfriend."

Can this girl just shut up for one minute.

"Ow." Is all Ana said. "What happened?"

"He ch-"

"NOTHING!" I yelled looking mad at Jane.

"I'll give them back tomorrow." Bradley said.

"You know what. Keep them! Thrust me you and Jake had a lot in common." I said without thinking.

"Jessica!" My mom said mad. "They don't look anything a like! Jake was an asshole! Tell me one thing that they had in common!"

"Exactly that!" I said.

Nobody said anything. They were all taking back by what I just said. They all looked at me in shock. Bradley stood up and before walking away he said;

"I really am trying, you know! I know you're hurt but please just give me chance?" He asked.

I didn't reply, I didn't even look at him.

"Please." He begged.

"I can't" I said not looking at him.

"Fine, whatever." He said and walked out of the house.

"Jessica, did you really have to say that?" Dad asked. "He was try-"

"Just stop, dad! Everyone should just stop! I'm done! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want him in my life anymore! I'm sorry guys, but I just can't." I said walking out the house as well.


The next day I woke up and got ready for work. Once I was there I said hi to grandpa and grandma and got to work.

It was a boring day, there weren't that many costumers. I was on my phone checking Twitter.... That's how bored I was. I saw that I had 100+ notifications. I clicked on it and saw that it were all tweets from The Vamps fans. Please not again. I looked at one tweet that caught my eye.

'@/TheVampsBradsBae; @/TheVampsBrad What the hell happened to you and @/JessicaKing ? How hard did he hurt you that you hate him so much?'

What is going on? I clicked on the tweet and saw Bradley's tweet.

'@/TheVampsBrad; I understand why you hate me, at least you know I tried.'

Seriously? Did he really have to tweet something like that?

All the comments were tweets like; 'Give him a chance.' or 'He tried, why won't you give him chance?' and a bunch of hate tweets like; 'You tried, Brad. She was too ugly anyways.' and 'You deserve better, Brad.'

I normally wouldn't read tweets like this. I never even tweeted about him. And normally things like this wouldn't have an effect on me but this was just going to far, I couldn't ignore them anymore.

'@/JessicaKing; You don't know the full story so don't give me shit for something I didn't do!'

'@/JessicaKing; He tried for 2 or 3 months but I tried and I had to live with the pain for 4 years!'



I hope you liked this chapter.

Please like and comment if you did. I would mean a lot to me.

Much love,

Why? - Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now