Chapter 11

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Jessica's POV

I was woken up by the door bell. I walked out of bed and ran downstairs.

The bell rand again... Damn calm down, I'm coming.

I opened the door to see my dad. It was the first time I saw him since what had happened five days ago.

"Are you going to talk now?" He asked as he walked in.

"What do you want me to say, dad? I'm sorry for wanting to be alone?" I replied.

"Jessica, this is the second time you did something like this. When is it going to stop?"

"When you guys stop talking about Bradley!"

He sighed, "Look I know this hasn't been easy for you, but we just want this fight to be over." He said.

"Not again! If you just came here to tell me something that mom and grandma already said, you can just go!" I said

"You can't keep running away from this!"

"Watch me." I said as I walked to the door, hoping my dad got the hint that he has to leave.

"You can't push us away, we're your family."

"Just go, dad!" I said

And with that, he left!

John (Jessica's dad) POV (A/N: lol why not?)

It hurt to see my daughter so upset. Maybe we all pushed her to hard to make it up with Brad. But she needs to understand that we only did it because we knew how hard it has been for her. We don't agree with how Brad handled things, but I do understand why he did it. And even though I knew that if he would've just told her the truth that night, that she wouldn't be mad about it. But it wasn't my job to tell him, maybe that's where I was wrong. Maybe if did tell him, all of this wouldn't have happened.

"How did it go?" My wife asked when I walked back into the house. Derek and Ana were also at our house. We were talking about what we were going to do about Jessica and Bradley.

"She basically threw me out of the house when I started talking about Brad." I replied.

"She's shutting herself out again, and this time from us too." My wife said sad.

"I don't know what we're going to do now." I said sitting on couch where everyone else was sitting.

"Maybe you can call Miss Mcvey, maybe she can ask James or Kirstie if they could try and talk to her." Ana said.

"I don't know if that would work." I said.

"We could at least try." She said.

"Okay, I'll call her and ask if she could ask Kirstie, I don't think Jess would want to talk to James." Ellen said as she stood up and grabbed her phone.

"Hey ... I'm good, how are you? .... I was wondering if you could give me Kirstie's phone number. I need to ask her something about my daughter ... Thank you so much, wait I'll grab a piece of paper .... Okay you can say it .... Okay, I got it. Thank you so much .... I hope so, thank you so much, have an amazing day .... Thank you, bye." And with that she hung up the phone.

"She gave me Kirstie's phone number, I'll call her right now. " Ellen said.

"Hey, Kirstie. It's Ellen, Jessica's mom. I was wondering if you could help us with something .... Things with her hasn't been great. She's shutting herself out again with the whole thing with Bradley. I was wondering if you could talk to her. Maybe see will listen too you .... I understand .... We do too .... Thank you so much, Kirstie. We appreciate it .... Bye."

"What did she say?" Ana asked.

"She said she already tried to talk to Jessica but that he didn't want to talk about it. But Kirstie also said she'll try again. I just texted her Jess's address and she's driving to her house now."

"I hope this works." I said.

Jessica's POV

I was on the couch, reading a book when my thoughts were disturbed by the doorbell. Who is this time? I got of the couch and walked to door.

"Kirstie?" I said.

"Hey, Jessica." She replied.

"What are you doing here?" I asked letting her in.

"I came here to talk to you, how are you?"

"I'm good? Why are you really here?" I questioned.

"Like I said, I'm here to talk to you." She replied.

"Ah, I get it. Let me guess, my mom or dad gave you my address and asked if you could talk to me about Bradley?"

"They're worried about you, Jessica. We all are."

"I'm fine. Can you please leave and call them and tell them that I'm fine?" I asked.

"Jessica, please. This fight needs to end. It not only hurts you but also your family, Bradley's family, it even hurts James and the guys."

"They should've just called 4 years ago. I'm so tired of people talking to me about it. Just leave me alone. I'm really sorry Kirstie I know you're only trying to help, but you can't. Please just go."

"I'm really sorry this happened to you. I just wish everything would be the same. I know that no matter what I say it won't change your mind but I do know that deep down you miss all this too. I know you are scared to get hurt again, but you won't I promise you that. Please don't shut yourself out. Please, Jessica, call your parents or go to their house. They love you and they're worried. Please, think about it." Said and walked to the door.

"Kirstie wait! Thank you, for everything." I said and smiled.

"That's okay. Just know that I'll always be there. Just a phone call away."

I walked up to her and hugged her. "Thank you"

She smiled, walked to her car and drove off.

I went inside and sat on the couch, thinking about what she said. She's right, I shouldn't shut myself out from the people that love me. She's also right about the being scared part. Ever since Bradley left I've been scared to open up to people because I'm scared that if I'll get too close they'll leave, like he did. Family won't leave, they can't. They're all I have and I don't want to loose them.

Damn Kirstie you're good.

I grabbed my phone and called my mom for the first time in five days.

"I'm sorry." I said when she picked up.

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