Chapter 6

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James POV (A/N: I bet you didn't expect that, you're welcome, lol)

When we arrived at the airport in London I saw my parents, sister Sophie and girlfriend Kirstie. I missed them all so much,

"James!" Sophie yelled and ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hey, Soph. Hi, mom. Hi, dad." I said as I gave them a hug. "Hi, babe." I smiled at Kirstie and gave her a kiss.

After saying hi to everyone we walked outside. We said hi to fans and took photo's. I hear some fans yell at Brad about Jessica. I feel bad for him. I saw the video and it must be hard for him. He cried for weeks when we first left. I understood why he did what he did, but I have to honest I was a little mad and I felt really bad when he asked us not to tell Jess or pick up the phone.I mean she was such a nice girl and friend. I just wished things would've gone differently.

My parents dropped Kirstie and I off at our apartment. I'm so excited that Kirstie are living together. My parents helped us with bringing my bags upstairs and drank a cup tea with us. The apartment isn't finished yet and that's what Kirstie and I are going to do now that I'm back for a few weeks.

An hour later my parents left to back home after a cup of tea and some catching up.

"I almost forgot, I have a gift for you." Kirstie said and ran to the bedroom.

"A gift? Babe you know you shouldn't have done that."

"And you know I don't listen, now open up." She said as she handed me a giant gift. I looked confused at her, and she just smiled.

I opened the gift and... wait what?

"A guitar?" I asked in shock.

"You like it? It's from Music King."

"Like it? No. Love it? Hell yeah! Thank you so much, I love you!" I said hugging her.

"I love you too." She said and kissed me.

"Wait this is from Music King? Did you see Jessica?" I asked.

"I did."

"Really? How is she?"

"She said she's fine, but I don't know.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Did something happened?"

"At first nothing, we talked about school and work and it was all good until I mentioned you and the guys."

"What do you mean?"

"At first I apologized for talking about you, then I wanted to tell her how sorry you feel about everything but I never got the chance because she interrupted me and told me that she doesn't wanted to talk about it. After that she didn't say anything, she just looked hurt. I never wanted to-"

"Kist, it's not your. It's mine and the rest of the guys. Does she work at the store?" I asked

"She said she works there and at the big company, why?"

"I'm down there tomorrow to apologize. This is needs to stop, She's hurt and I know it hurts Bad too."

"James, I know this kills you but it's been four year. She might forgive you, Con and Tris but I don't think she's going to forgive Brad."

"You might be right but I can't just sit back and pretend that our friendship never happened. That's just wrong. I'm going to the store tomorrow."

"Yeah you're right."

The next day I woke up early to go to the gym and then to Music King. I didn't tell the other guys that I'm going to talk to Jess. I want to see how she reacts first.

I parked my car in front of the store and walked out. Before walking into the store I look through the window to see if she is inside. I see a girl with brown long straight hair standing behind the counter helping a costumer. That's Jessica. I waited a minute after the costumer walked outside the store before walking inside. Jess didn't notice me walking me inside, she was putting something away behind the counter.

"Excuse me?" I said.

She jumped a little, I think I surprised her. While turning around she said "I'm sorry, I didn't-" but stopped talking when she realized it was me.

"Hey Jess." I said. She didn't reply, she just looked confused.

She looked at her hands before she finally spoke up.

"How can I help you, sir?" She asked. I looked at her confused. Why is she acting like she doesn't know me?

"Jessica it's me, James. Why are you acting like you don't know me?"

She quietly laughed, I knew it was sarcastic.

Before she could speak a woman walked into the store.

"Good morning, ma'm. If I could help you with anything, just ask." She said smiling.

"Thank you." The woman replied with a smile and started walking around in the store.

Jess looked back me and her smile faded.

"Can I please talk to you?" I asked.

"I-" She started but got interrupted by the woman asking for help.

She nodded, looked back at me and said "Have a good day, sir. Now will you excuse me." She said and out from behind the counter.

I grabbed her arm and she turned around with a confused and sad look on her face.

"Please, Jess?" I begged.

"Just go James. I have to work. Goodbye." She said annoyed and with that she walked to the woman.

I sighed and walked out of the store. I guess I could've seen that coming. Of course she didn't want to talk. I would't either if someone did the same thing to me like we did to her.

Jessica's POV

"Thank you for coming. Have a lovely day, ma'm." I said to the woman.

"Thank you, you too" She replied.

Too late.

"Thank you." I said

I thought back about what just happened. I was surprised to see James standing in the store. I haven't seen him in four years. I didn't know what to say when I saw him. So many memories came back. Memories I didn't want to remember. All the pain he, Brad and the guys had put me through. I just did what they did to me, pretend like I didn't know them.

"How can I help you, sir?" I said. He looked confused.

"Jessica it's me, James. Why are you acting like you don't know me?" He asked

Seriously? Is this a joke? I laughed sarcastically. I knew he heard it.

before I say anything a woman walking into the store.

When James asked me if he could talked to me, I wanted to say that I have nothing to say to him but I got interrupted by the woman asking me for my help. Thank you Jesus.

Before I could walk up to her James grabbed my arm and just said please. I was getting annoyed at this point. I just wanted to my job.

"Just go James. I have to work. Goodbye" I said and walked to the woman. "Sorry for waiting, how can I help you?"

I don't understand why James would come to the store. Why after four years? Did he realize that what he did was wrong?

Little too late, James.

Why? - Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now