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"Okay, mom.... Yup... Okay, yeah... Love you, bye." I hung up the phone and sighed. My mom and dad have been gone for about a week, and said it'd be a little while longer. They said two days ago they'd be home soon. Oh well, might as well miss my birthday in two months too. My mom was saying that I should go shopping, and make sure the house is cleaned up and all that stuff. I however invited over the slob that was Bert, instead.

"Honey, I'm home!" He announced through the house. I raised an eyebrow as I peered out from the kitchen.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded and went straight for the fridge. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed his shirt, pulling him to the couch. He sat down and got comfy while I sat on edge. He looked over at me, raising his eyebrows.

"What's your issue?" He asked. Stretching out. I sighed, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I keep seeing that guy selling balloons in the park!" I exclaimed, slightly angered. Bert's eyes snapped open and looked at me still confused, and stunned. He sat up, crossing his legs.

"Issue? You know he works at the park. Just stop going." He explained calmly. I was about to protest, but came up short. Bert had a point, but I didn't want to stop going out just because some weird happy guy wouldn't stop making conversation with me.

"But he talks to me!" I exclaimed. Bert sighed and stood up. He grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"Is he cute?" He asked in a serious tone. My eyes widened and I shrugged.

"I don't find guys really attractive, so-"

"We're going to the park. Man up, you baby." Bert explained, practically dragging me to the park.
"So, uhhh.. Where is this guy?" Bert asked, looking around as we sat on the bench. I had one earbud in as I scanned the area. I was not planning on talking to the balloon boy. No, I've had enough encounters already.

"He has bright red hair, you can't miss him." I said, matter of factly. He rolled his eyes, then gasped. He stood up and lifted me up too. My eyes winded and he nodded his head, pulling me towards the dumb, obnoxiously colorful balloon cart. The balloon boy looked up and smiled brightly, a strand of his red hair falling I front of his face.

"What can I do for you two gentlemen?" He asked kindly tilting his head slightly. Ugh, his unconvincing happiness and interest made me want to gag.

"Well, cutie, can we get two balloons please?" Bert asked, giving the balloon boy a smirk. The ballon boy smiled, and blushed, bringing a gloved hand to his mouth.

"Aren't you sweet? What colors do you guys want?" The balloon boy asked, leaning forward. My suspicions were confirmed. This guy was defiantly gay, for sure. He even smirked at Bert, and even I was ready to smack him.

"I'll have red and uh... What do you want Frank?" Bert asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I saw the balloon boy smile at me and then sigh.

"I can finally put a name to the face! Um, where are my manners?! Gerard." He said with a little giggle. Gerard, definitely not a name you hear everyday. Interesting, but it seemed to fit the unique man. I nodded my head towards him, but that was it. Bert rolled his eyes and turned back to the balloon boy--Gerard.

"Do you have black?" He asked. Gerard nodded and blew up our balloons, handing them to us with a bright smile. I was going to grab mine, and our fingers merely brushed against each other, and I pulled my hand back quickly, my face heating up from embarrassment. All Gerard did though, was smile and waved to us, wishing us a good day as Bert paid, and we walked away. "He's adorable! Why are you avoiding him?" Bert asked astonished. I shook my head.

"Happy people are normally fake. Make them attractive, you get a fake, conceited, asshole." I muttered as we continued our way home.
"Bert! Hey! Get over here!" I yelled sharply. I heard him go over to my dads liquor cabinet, and he didn't need to notice a beer missing and ground me for it. He came back to the living room, with two beers in his hands. I groaned and covered my eyes. "I'm so getting my ass beat for this." I whimpered.

"Hmm?" Bert asked with raised eyebrows. I looked over and shook my head. He shrugged and opened the two beers, practically downing the first one, and taking gulps out of the second. I knew he was trying to get drunk, that was Bert, he liked being drunk, and he liked getting away from the bullshit that was life. He laid back and sighed, belching afterward. I groaned and scooted away.

"Groooss." I whined as I laid back as well. He giggled and I looked over at him with raised brows.

"You with Jamia yeeeet?" He asked. I shook my head and shrugged. I wanted to be with her, that was certain. She saw me be a dick to Gerard that one day though, and she hasn't really talked to be since, but that didn't mean she hated me, right? He frowned and laid his head on my lap. He looked up at me and smiled. I looked at him, apparent confusion in my expression. He sat up, and leaned forward and suddenly his lips were on mine. I sat there stunned, my body not moving, and my eyes wide. I pushed him off and gasped. I stood up abruptly and pointed to the door.

"Out!" I said loudly he scurried out and shut the door. I stood there confused and then I gagged. Bert kissed me. I cringed and then I felt all of a sudden gross. "Time for a shower." I declared. I got undressed and stood under the warm stream. Why would he do that? I guess that's drunk Bert, and I don't like drunk Bert. I shook my head as I could still feel his lips on mine. The only person I wanted to kiss was Jamia, and one day I will.

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