King Scorpio x Queen Taurus

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Another lemon bites the Zodiac Signs? I don't know that honestly sounded better in my head anyway thanks to the reader that requested this and onto the lemon!!!

(Unknown POV)

"Your Magesty?" Lady Pices asks her queen shaking as she enters the palor. "His Magesty said he is waiting for you in your chambers."

"What is it this time?" Taurus asks getting up from her chair. "If it is about the ball I won't hear a thing. The menu has already been decided on."

"Oh no ma'am it is nothing like that," Lady Pices says blushing madly. "He said to tell you to go and meet him. He also said that you should hurry on and go to him."

"Would you like to accompany me Pices?" Taurus asks walking a few steps towards her. "I would love the company."

"I would love to ma'am," Pices answers her queen but shakes her head. "His Magesty insists that you go on your own and at this moment."

"And why are you so terrified?" Taurus asks curriously. "It is only but a few steps."

"He said you would understand if I give you the sentence the heirs want to be planted and they want it now," Pices blushes turning to sprint out the door.

"Poor kid," Taurus says blushing walking out of the palor. "At least I know where and what Scorpio wants this time."

Taurus walk for a while until she reaches a spiral staircase in the north wing. She starts to climb it humming herself a song giggling and blushing a bit from what is about to come.

When she reaches the landing she turns left walking down the corridor to her chambers. When she reaches the large oak doors to her chambers she blushes wildly. She tries composing herself by telling her that they have done this a lot of times before but it doesn't help.

"You know you only need to come into your own room right?" Scorpio asks leaning against the door frame in his casual wear smiling at her. "Besides pretty soon, my love, I will move in here permanently with you as my room will be turned into the baby's room."

"I know darling," Taurus says blushing a bit. "Speaking of heirs, how many of them did you have in mind?"

"Four or six," Scorpio says taking her into his arms pulling her closer. "Depending how long I can keep you in your bed."

"But we still ha-" Taurus starts but was cut off by Scorpio crushing his lips onto hers for a sweet kiss.

He pulls her into the room closing and locking the door behind them while undressing her. Once they are inside he cups her butt making her moan in pleasure and letting Taurus take advantage plunging his tongue into her mouth. They both moan in pleasure and surprise when their tongues touch.

Scorpio teases her to put her tongue in his mouth then he starts to suck on it. Taurus moans tugging at his jacket accidentally ripping it off. They both gasp in surprise pulling away from the kiss admiring each other's naked or in his case not so naked body.

"So beautiful," Scorpio whispers roaming his hands over her body touching and exploring.

"And you are so perfect my dear," Taurus says taking his one hand to cup her entance letting him finger her. "Ngh! Scorpio more!"

"If the queen demands it so it will be done," Scorpio growls getting down on his knees picking up her one leg, kissing the inside of it, throwing it over his shoulder.

"Scorpio!" Taurus shouts in surprise moaning as Scorpio starts to eat her out.

Scorpio smirks and enters his tongue into her as far as it will go. Taurus gasps in surprise biting her lip trying to hold a moan back. When Scorpio suddenly pinches her clit she screams in pleasure pulling him back up by his hair.

"No fair," Taurus pants trying to pout. "How come you are still fully dressed?"

"Change that fot me then my darling," Scorpio says pulling his shirt off over his head. "We have done this a thousand times."

"And each time still feels like the first time," Taurus blushes pulling him closer by his belt.

When he is against her she unbuckles his belt slowly and teasingly pulling them down his hips leaving him only in his boxers. He looks down at her gasping when she shyly palms him through his boxers. Scorpio lets out a his of pleasure when she goes on her knees taking it between her teeth pulling it down.

When she reaches the bottom she picks it up throwing it somewhere in the room. Scorpio bends picking her up bridal style placing her on the bed never breaking eye contact. He quickly crawls over her spreading her legs open leaving hickeys all over her.

"Are you ready?" he asks positioning himself at her entrance.

"Yes," she hisses wrapping her legs around him pulling him into her. "SCORPIO!"

"I haven't even started and you are already screaming my name," Scorpio chuckles stilling himself in her smiling. "But then again it is why I love you. Everything is always so new to you."

"Would you just shut up and move already?" Taurus moans impatiently rolling her hips in frustration.

"If the queen wishes it so be it then," Scorpio groans in pleasure when he starts to move.

He kisses her hard moving slowly to tease them both. When she starts to give his neck little licks he moans speading up. She screams in pleasure arching her back squeezing her eyes shut.

"Right there!" she screams when she starts to see starts when he hits her g-spot.

Scorpio uncontrolably listens to her and pounds into her g-spot over and over again. They both moan and scream in pleasure.

"SCORPIO!" "TAURUS!" they scream in union when they both climax. Scorpio does not pull out as he collapses on top of her panting before he rolls of her.

(Nine months later)

"Push Your Magesty," doctor Libra orders looking up at his worried king and now sweaty queen. "It's okay Your Magesties. The Queen is doing alright and I can see the head. Just a few more minutes and your heir's twin brother or sister will be here."

"I don't care just get it out of me!" Taurus screams out in pain as she pushes. "I just want healthy babies!"

"Prince Cancer is already born a very healthy 4 kg with a equally healthy set of lungs on him," Libra asures his royals looking over his shoulder at the nurses cleaning up the new born prince. "Now push!"

"Nnnggghhh!" Taurus screams pushing while squeezing Scorpio's hand in pain.

"That's it Magesty one more push and we will have the shoulders," Libra says calmly holding the baby's head up.

"SCORPIO!" Taurus screams giving a push feeling the head out of her.

"One more push Taurus," Scorpio says a bit green in the face looking down at the blood. "You are doing great my love."

"Gongragulations Your Magesties," doctor Libra says cleaning up the baby's airways holding it up for it's parents to see. "Your son Cancer is joined by a twin (brother/sister)!"

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