Intro Chapter/ Preview

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This story is subjected to copyright. Please don't steal anything from this book and call it your own. Because that is called plagiarism. And that is frowned upon by many writers. Just like murder is frowned upon by most of society. So please just don't do it.
P.s. if you enjoyed the story let me know, this is only the preview.

Once upon a time not so long ago in a large grand house not far from town lived a boy with muddy locks, sunkissed skin, and eyes so bright that stars would be jealous. The boy laughed and played in the large lush garden beside the house while his mother and father tended the garden. His mother picked vegetables and fruits for dinner while his father took a hoe and tilled the soil. Everything was grand and joyful, until his mother suddenly fell upon the ground with a soft thud. His father had called upon the doctor. When he had gotten there it was too late.

That day had went from a wonderful joyful day to a day everyone would want to forget.

A year later the boy's father married to another women. A somewhat wealthy woman who had two boys. The oldest son had red curly hair and green eyes and the youngest son looked almost the same. He had straight red hair and yes green eyes.

He laughed and played with the young boys. But he did not know how all of that would change.

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