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The strange woman dragged Billed by his collar as he moaned.

I walked beside Bill.

His black blood made a long black streak on the grey stone floor.

I couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't laughing his head off now, as pain doesn't exactly hurt him. The best I could come up with was the sword the lady has used was coated in some sort of poison.

I had expected her to take us back to our cells, so I'm sure you can understand my confusion when I found myself back in the throne room.

All the inmates were still where they had fallen, none of them moved. It was, unsettling.

The lady dropped Bill, causing him to moan again, and walked to the throne, where The Puppet Master was yelling at Proditione. Proditione seemed to be enjoying this treatment, as he looked as if he was holding back laughter.

I crouched down next to Bill and looked him over.

His eyes were clenched shut, as was his mouth. His pale skin seemed even paler. If that was possible. Beads of sweat had started forming in his forehead.

"Bill?" I asked quietly placing a hand on his cheek.

"It hurts." He moaned still keeping his eyes shut.

With some struggle, I got him on his side so I could look at the cut.

If he were an actual human, he would have died already. The gash went half way into his torso. His jumpsuits back was almost completely stained with blood, and a sizable puddle had started forming.

I had to look away to keep myself from throwing up.

"Can't you heal your self?" I whispered

"Can't... focus." He moaned back

As he said this he started to shake, I wasn't sure if this was a good or bad sign.

My knowledge of medical care ended at how to make a sling, which we had to learn in health.

I didn't know what to do about this, I doubted medical professionals would know what to do about this, for a number of reasons.

The Puppet Master continue to yell, getting louder and louder.

As I tried to figure out what was happening on the side of the room, I noticed a certain blue haired girl.

Willa and I made eye contact. She jerked her head to the suddenly. When I did nothing but stare at her she did it again.

It took her doing this a total of eight times before I under stood.

Bill. She wanted to know what was wrong with Bill.

I don't know. I mouthed. And pointed at the lady, who was watching the exchange between The Puppet Master and Proditione. 

Willa turned her head and looked at the lady, and her eyes grew large.

Our silent conversation didn't get to continue though, because suddenly, and all at once, all of the inmates stood up and resumed their single file lines.

"Now that that's over with" The Puppet Master boomed "We shall continue. If I call your prison number, go to the back."

I looked at the perfect lines, no one reacted.

"1212" The Puppet Master began "1234, 1235, 345"

He continued to rattle off numbers until he ended at, "2010"

My number. I shakily got up from beside Bill, and joined the strait line of people/monsters.

I heard Bill whisper "Shooting Star." As I walked away, but we both knew he would kill us with out a second thought if I didn't.

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