
-three days later-

It was a sunny day in California. Not a cloud in the sky. It didn't match the mood down here on the ground.

It was the day of Dippers funeral.

Mom and Dad were crying the entire day, and I had expected to cry, but I guess after two weeks, I was cried out.

Everyone assumed, that he had been in the forest, and after he transformed back, he wasn't able to run fast enough when he was attacked, at least that's what everyone at Gravity Falls assumed, Mayor Tyler enacted the "Never Mind All That Act" and people don't really talk about that whole experience. Those who don't know what happened think that Dipper was taking a walk in the woods when wolves attacked him.

After the funeral, several people came up to me and my parents about how sorry they were. How awful it was that he died so young.

I simply shook hands, said thank you, and tried not to think back to when it happened.

That night, after everyone had left the house, Mom, Dad and I sat in the kitchen. For a little while, we just just sat in silence, before mom spoke up.

"Mabel, there's something that's been bothering me."

"What's that?"

"When they found Dippers body, you didn't seem surprised. You almost seemed to know."

There's a problem with your parents being a detective and lawyer. 

But I had thought of this.

"You think I knew something!?" I demanded, "You think that I knew my twin brother was dead and didn't tell anyone!?"

My mom immediately started to take it back, "Mabel, that not wha-" but I had to sell it

"I was I shock! I can't believe this!" After those parting words, I stormed upstairs to my room, and slammed my door, for effect.

The Puppet Master:

I stared at my minions, they were cleaning my throne room, my two newest were polishing the bronze coated skulls of the humans that had made the mistake of coming into my domain.

Proditione was where he normally was, lounging of a chair, he had a far off look, I wasn't sure what he was doing, and at the moment I didn't care. Though I was mad he wouldn't tell me how the enchantment would be broken. Because it's his "catch" he can't tell any of his visions. When he was a child, he would always tell everyone his visions. Especially if they included someone being injured. I was sure that he was doing it just to annoy me. He'd always been a brat, but besides that, I had to admit, he was resourceful he found the dream catcher, when Bill thought that he was on his side. 

Reverse Falls become Gravity FallsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon