Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Obviously I don’t own BBC’s Merlin.

Time: This story takes place at the beginning of Season 4, but no spoilers, this story stands on its own.  


Chapter 1: Missing

They hadn’t stopped.  They hadn’t slept.  They were riding against the wilderness and the wind.  The horses were showing signs of exhaustion.  The riders were sore and tired.  But nothing of that sort could slow them down.  If they didn’t hurry, if they lost a couple of hours resting, then Gaius was certain to die.

Stupid, stupid Merlin, thought the young warlock with anger in his heart as his brown stallion sped pass Prince Arthur’s white mare.

He would never forgive himself for not following his mentor to the outskirts villages almost four days ago.  It was supposed to be an uneventful routine check, but he should have foreseen that something of the sort would happen.  He should have known that Morgause would seek revenge.  She had seen Gaius use magic in their attempt to destroy the Cup of Life.  Her plans had always been thwarted by a mysterious sorcerer, but now she had found him.  However unlikely, the old man had outwitted and stumped her in her insurrection to put Morgana on the throne.  Such were her thoughts, and now the physician was going to pay.

Don’t think about that, thought Merlin despairingly.  The deception about his powers was so complete that now Gaius was suffering yet again in his place.  He couldn’t bear it anymore.  How much longer was this going to last?  How long was he supposed to keep up the lies and the pretence?  How long until it drove him mad?  It seemed a question without answer and without hope, one that was haunting him in his dreams as well as his waking hours.

Merlin!  Stop!”

Arthur’s warning came not a moment too soon.  Merlin pulled his mount to a halt in front of a large tree trunk that had fallen across the path.  His horse paced anxiously as the others joined him.

Easy, Merlin,” said Gwaine while stepping closer to him.  “You can’t do much good if you’re dead.”

Arthur, Lancelot, Percival and Elyan also came to a stop.  The decision to bring only a small group for this rescue mission was mainly due to the fact that Uther was not entirely aware of the danger they were facing.  The look on the king’s face ever since Morgana’s betrayal was enough to give shivers to any that knew him.  His eyes had sadness and madness in them all at once.  He would have put Arthur in the dungeons rather than allow him take such a risk.  But Arthur, unlike his father, wasn’t going to let one innocent man suffer, even if that meant putting his own life in danger.  Innocent, thought Merlin wearily and feeling a pang of guilt in his stomach.  Gaius is innocent.  I’m the one.  It’s me they want.  I’m the sorcerer.

The knights were looking around nervously.  On each side of the road was a steep climb.  The tree trunk was too large for the horses to jump over.  They were trapped.

“What are you thinking, Sire?” asked Lancelot to Arthur.  “Did we take a wrong turn?”

Arthur said nothing; instead, he drew his sword.

“Perfect place for an ambush,” said Gwaine, agreeing, and then he drew his sword as well.

But the young warlock didn’t care.  He was restless and the idea of waiting around on this path was unacceptable.  From the corner of his eye, he saw that Lancelot was watching him worriedly.  Merlin sighed deeply, letting out some of the frustration.  

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