"Edward, we haven't accused you of anything. Please, calm down." My mother had always been the one in the middle of any arguments or disagreements in our family. She was the arbitrator in these type of situations. The middleman, a neutral state. She was Switzerland.

"I can't stay calm. The board are due to decide whether I am the ideal candidate to take over the company when William retires in a few weeks. I can only imagine what they will think when these lies are brought to their attention. All the years of hard work I've put in and it could all crumble with one ridiculous rumour." I rested my hands on the mantlepiece and took a few deep breaths to compose myself. "There is no truth to these allegations. I have never been unfaithful. Australia? I only have business contacts there and my trips there have been strictly that, business. It is all lies!" I looked at my mother and father as they digested what I had said.

"No..." Liv seemed to have a sudden realisation and she looked as if she was working through a mathematical equation in her head.

"Do you have something to add Olivia?" William pressed her for more.

"Australia." She said with her eyebrows raised. "It's close enough." She didn't need to elaborate any further, I knew exactly what she was referring to.

"Really Liv? Never, I would never." I was shocked she would even suggest it.

"Come on Ed. You did spend a lot of time there when you and Mel were together. It wasn't always 'business' that had you jetting there at the drop of a hat."

"How dare you!" The anger was boiling inside me and I couldn't stand to hear what she was insinuating. I stood in front of Olivia, our chests pressed against each other. I towered above her and she stared up at me, daring me to follow through.

"Enough!" My mother yelled as she moved quickly to put herself between us.

"Think about it." Olivia queried. "She's close enough. You were there a lot during the time she and Finn were apart. It's not as if one and one don't add to two Ed."

"You have no idea what you are talking about Olivia!" I boomed, thankful that my mother was between us holding me back.

"I know you and Whitney aren't involved sexually Ed," I cringed at the mention of my sex life in front of my parents. "But think about this for a minute from an outside point of view." There was no thought necessary for me.

"The only people who know about Whitney are in this room or they have a watertight NDA that isn't worth their life to break." This was nothing they didn't know.

"And who is the only person that refuses to sign that aspect of free speech away Edward?" Her theory was beginning to make my blood boil. Olivia knew not to mess with me when it came to Whitney.

"Get to the point Olivia." William pressed her.

"We all love Whit like she is family, I know. It just seems like perfect timing for her don't you think?" Olivia had a slightly pained expression on her face as if it hurt her to talk ill of Whitney.

"Her gallery show is coming up and she admitted that it was difficult to gather interest because no one knows who she is. Her work is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but what if this is some sort of publicity stunt she is pulling to get her name out there?" The three of them looked to me, trying to figure out what I was thinking as Olivia put her hand on my shoulder.

"I know you trust her with your life Ed, but I can't keep this to myself. If I were to be right, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You're my brother. We're family." I understood her reasoning as to why she had to tell me. We didn't keep things from each other. Our bond was unique and we looked out for each other. It was difficult for us both growing up. We were always wary of anyone that came into our lives. Worried that they only wanted to know us because of our surname. It had made us stick together and protect each other. We confided in one another.

As if on cue Benjamin, my head of personal security, came in with a folder in his hand.

"Sir, there is some information you should see." he left almost as quickly as he had entered.

I hesitated before opening the folder. Once I opened it, there was no going back. Whatever was inside the folder would change everything. I hope to God it wasn't what Olivia had suggested. My hands were shaking as I opened to the first page. As I read what was written and the words sunk in, I fell to my knees. There it was, staring back at me. Olivia was right. It was evidence of a call made to TMZ from Whitney's number and a signed affidavit from the employee that took that call saying it was a woman identifying herself as 'Whitney'.

"Benjamin!" The neighbours would have heard me shout out his name.

"You're certain? This is correct?" I questioned him quickly. He made his way over to me and bent down to pull me up by the elbow and place me on the couch nearby. My eyes never leaving his face.

"Sir," his face was apologetic as he continued. "I'm sorry."

I couldn't hold in the tears that were threatening their way out anymore. My father took the pages from me and scrolled through them quickly.

"Ed, I don't know what to say." The tone in his voice I had not heard in many years. He hadn't spoken to me that way since I was young. He went to help my mother who seemed to be in shock. He lead her out of the room and I could faintly hear her tell him "This can not be. She would never William, she wouldn't."

Liv came to sit next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. "I'm sorry squirt. I didn't want it to be true either. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"Get off me Liv, I need to make a phone call." I shrugged her off and she moved further down the couch as I pulled my phone from my pocket.

She picked up on the fourth ring.

"I trusted you!" 

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