Mana'o Nani (Great Ideas)

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It started just like any other ordinary day.

I was laying in my room thinking about the time when mother took me to a farm. I remember how much I liked it, the animals, the smell of fresh air; everything. I want to become a farmer. And today was the day I was going to tell father.

Just as I gather my thoughts, my mother walks into my room. "Honey! Your father has called a family meeting." My mother chimed.

"Again?" I couldn't help but question. We have been having family meetings for two weeks now. I don't know what else there is to talk about.

"Now Lani, your father says it's important. I'll be in the living room."

I sighed as I rolled out of bed. I walked to the living room and sat on the nice white fluffy couch.

As soon as I sat down father stood up and started speaking. "Great now that I have everybody here, I have some important news I'd like to share with the family. We're moving." With no emotion straight to the point. " we leave next month."

Lynn, my younger sister, almost looked like she was going to cry. As for me, I wasn't too surprised. This is like the fifth time we've moved. But this time was going to be different. Today, I am going to tell my father that I am going to become a farmer.

Mother and father were discussing details about the move and what to do about us kids. That's when I stood up and looked at my father. "Father. I gave this some thought and I decided that I want to become a farmer. I don't want to move to a new city and start over again. I want to fulfill my dream to become a farmer."

I think I put my family in shock since they didn't speak or make any type of comment after my statement. I couldn't exactly read their faces either, where they mad, excited, sad? I could not tell.

Finally after a good minute of awkward silence, father spoke. He was not happy. "You want to become a farmer? Do you have any idea what it takes to become one? All the work you have to do. You're lazy as it is, I can't imagine you trying to run a farm and actually take care of animals and crops! You can hardly take care of yourself."

Father's words stung like a bee. I can't believe he said that. However, I gathered my courage and said firmly. "No father! I am not asking for your permission. I'm telling you as an adult that I want and will become a farmer. I'm not moving with you, Mom and sis."

To keep the story short, father and I argued until he couldn't argue anymore.

Two weeks went by and father came home with a letter. "Lani. I still don't think that this is the right move for you. But I still don't want you to feel alone. So I've arranged for you to stay with your Uncle Frank out in West Town. He's a farmer and he'll let me know if you have what it takes to Become One." It was almost robotic, no emotion just pure monotone. I stood there speechless, I didn't know what to say. "Your Uncle Frank said he is ecstatic to have you. You leave in two weeks. Make sure you're ready by then" and with that my father left.

I couldn't believe it. In two weeks I'm going to start my journey to become a farmer. I was so excited, I couldn't wait.

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