Chapter 2- Nick

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Nick was a handsome young man at the age of 28 he had not been married but had come very far in his life but had seen many dark and painful things. He was a famous pop/ rockstar along with his two brothers, sister, and her boyfriend. Over the last few years, their band had gained many fans. Although that did come with its downs as well the stress of writing songs, getting albums out on time and sorting out to dates and performing them to their highest standards. This is also Nicks story just as much as Danielle's; as he too has his dark secrets and past.

After building up their band's fanbase to what is; they had their biggest concert tonight. With over 3,000 fans at the concert hall in London Nick and his one year younger brother Danny was practicing their guitar solos one more time, while the youngest of the three brothers Jay was practicing his opening notes. While this was all happening his sister Charlie and her boyfriend Ray had their feet kicked up on the sofa relaxing one more time before the show. As always the show went perfectly. After seeing off their fans and boarding their tour bus, Nick decided he needs to cool down in the fresh night air. Pulling over the tour bus they stopped off at the nearest park. Where nick got out and went for a long stroll; while the rest of the band sat outside in the fresh air against the two bus. This is the point in time where our two stories collide.

As Nick rounded the corner of the park he noticed a young blonde female laying out on the grass fast asleep. Looking at his watch and realizing it was nearly midnight he decided on trying to wake the young girl up. He slowly but careful approach her as not to startle her. He careful kneels down beside her on the grass; as he kneels down he realizes how soft her skin looks and how her clothes suit her perfectly. With as much care as he can, he reaches his hand out and softly lays it on the young girl's shoulder. He gives her a soft shake to the shoulder and whispers "Miss wake up it's almost midnight miss can you hear me". Suddenly her eyes shot open and Nick gets a view of two of the most beautiful blue eyes he's seen; they were turquoise with little flecks of dark blue.

"What, where am I, Oh god your Nick I've seen you guys performing your amazing, hang on I'm still in the park dammit I fell asleep again" she rambles onto her self and nick just sits there beside her and lets out a low chuckle and smiles. Nick was enjoying just watching this young stranger ramble on; she can't be much younger than I am he thought to his self. He realized he was staring and quickly looked down t his feet and just smiled to himself and thought how can someone I've just met be so captivating.

As he looked back up he was caught out by the fact she was watching him too. "so" he said "would you like a lift home since it's so late at night cant be safe to be walking home alone now would it" as he said he looked directly at her and watched as her cheeks turned a blush pink and as she tries to get her words out but seemed so flustered she couldn't. "But I don't want to put you out of your way I only live a mile away" she finally managed to whisper out; the bashful and shyness of this made him smile and think she's cute. He looked deep into her eyes and thought to him damn her eyes are beautiful; he whispered back "trust me no problem from us rather you get home safe rather than leave you here and know something could happen". She smiled back "ok if you really don't mind". Nick rose back up to his feet and stretched out a hand to her; she slowly took his hand and it dawned on him her hands are so soft and such a gentle touch. "By the way I know you know my name so it Nick as you know but whats your name since I'm giving you the lift" as Nick repeated these words to her he stuck his tongue out and winked; watched as the young girl before him went bright red in the cheeks, that made him chuckle to himself. "Danielle my names Danielle" she whispered with a shy and embarrassed tone.

Finally reaching the tour bus where the rest of his band was waiting he turns to Danielle and says "wait here ill just catch the guys up on whats going on" she nods in response. NIck saunters up to the rest of the band; "picked up a random chick there Nick finally have a one night stand" chuckled Danny. "umm no you know full well know that never happens" Nick says as flips his brother the finger. Nick then goes on to describe the situation and what happened; as he does he slowly turns his head to check Danielle is ok and notices she curiously watching him he smiles and put his head down knowing he was finding this stranger to be quite interesting. All the band members agreed that it would be a better idea to take her home then leave her here and not know what will happen to her. Nick waved Danielle over and introduced her to everyone. As soon as Nick had finished the introductions Charlie grabbed Danielle by the hand laughing and whips her around and runs up the tour bus stairs giggling with her in a flourish of Charlie's blonde and blue frosted tipped hair.

After they had finished outside the tour bus Nick made his way back onto the tour bus. As he stepped foot towards the living area of the coach he could hear his sisters voice and could hear a sweet new voice coming from within followed by an adorable shy giggle; he smiled to himself and sat down near Danielle. The first thing he noticed while the two girls were giggling away was her smile was radiant and shining when she was happy. Then a sweet scent filled his nose and he realized she was sat close and he could smell her perfume and god did it smell good to him. As that thought went through him, their driver shouted through that they were leaving now.

After a ten-minute drive listening to the two girls giggling and talking they arrived at Danielle's house. Danielle rose from her seat; to which Charlie jumped off her seat and gave Danielle a hug. "Here Danielle this my number so we can carry on being friends and if you ever need anything just text me" Nick overheard Charlie say and as he looked over he noticed Charlie give Danielle the piece of paper with her number on it. Nick walked off the tour bus to walk Danielle to her door. As she came down the stairs he noticed how she walked with a happy bounce in her step and a big smile on her face. They walked in silence to her front door both with smiles on their faces. Just as she went to unlock her door "Hey Danielle pass me your phone" Nick spoke up; Danielle slowly passed him her phone. Nick typed in his number and added it to contacts "Now you have my number as well in case you ever want to talk or need anything". Danielle blushed which just made Nicks breath hitch and make his smile wider. "Thank you" she whispered back; she straight into his eyes then slowly turned to walk through her front door. As he watched her pass over the threshold of her house he got the nerve up "don't forget to text me later" winking at her he slowly turned on his heel let out a deep breath smiled and walked back to his tour bus. That night he couldn't stop seeing her face or stop thinking of her.

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