But then I heard footsteps on my side of the bed and felt someone sit down beside me. I forced my eyes to stay shut, trying to continue to fake being out cold.

"Daniel." Rosita said, and when I didn't answer she continued on. "Come on, I know you're awake. You aren't fooling anyone."

I gave up and opened my eyes to see Rosita sitting there with our son, both of them looking at me. "What's up?" I asked, sitting up.

"Nothing, I just want some company if I'm going to be sitting up for a while." She said, smiling over at me.

Noah was about a month old now, and we pretty much had a schedule for whenever he woke up during the nights. Every other time, unless he woke up hungry. Then I'd usually get to sleep on through.

We had gotten back on good terms with each other before he was born, which I was glad about. Cause I was worried about us not being good together

"I'll be glad when he starts sleeping through the night." Rosita said, smiling down at Noah.

"I know." I said, running a finger against the back of Noah's head. I leant over and pressed my lips against her cheek. "I love you both."

"Love you too." Rosita replied, smiling over at me.


I opened the door with one hand, balancing my son in my other arm. He was looking up at me with big eyes. I shouldn't be here, I knew it.

But it felt weird not sharing my son with my only other remaining blood family member. Weird that my father wouldn't ever meet his grandson unless I snuck him here.

I walked into the room and sat Noah down, he hid partially behind my leg - looking at the man who he didn't recognize.

The man's eyes looked up at me and Noah from his cell. "Morning, dad." I said, walking further into the room.

He stood up and walked over to the cell wall, "Morning, Daniel. Who's this little fella?"

"His names Noah." I replied, kneeling down by Noah. I placed my hand on Noah's back and he glanced over at me before looking back at Negan.

Negan nodded, smiling at Noah. "Hi Noah. I'm your grandpa."

Noah looked like he was ready to do anything but speak to Negan. I could understand it, Negan was an intimidating man. Plus Noah was shy. "You're okay, bud."

"Hi." Noah finally said, still looking unsure about him.

Negan glanced at me and smiled, "He kinda looks like you did when you were that young, Dan."

"Yeah, I guess he kinda does look like me. I usually think he looks more like Rosita." I said, looking over at Negan.

"Thought you weren't ever gonna come visit me again."

"Noah deserves to know his grandfather, even if it's just one visit." I replied, watching as Noah looked around the room. "Bud, you want some cars to play with?"

Noah nodded slightly, so I pulled the backpack off my back and reached down in it to find Noah's car toys that we had managed to find at a store while on a run. I passed the toys to Noah, who began playing with them.

"Whatcha got there, little man?" Negan asked.

Noah looked back up at him, glancing at me for approval before walking closer to the cell. "Got my cars." He said, quietly. He held up the cars for Negan to see.

"Ah that's awesome, your dad used to love cars too." Negan replied, inspecting the toy cars. Noah cast me a look, smiling at me.


"DADDY!" I heard the small voice come screaming into the room, I felt a small body climb onto the bed with me. I opened my eyes and rolled over to find my son sitting there.

"Morning Noah." I said, sitting up.

"Mommy wants you downstairs." He said, I nodded and got up out of the bed. I grabbed Noah and yanked him up off the bed, unleashing a squeal and giggles from him.

I walked downstairs, carrying Noah, and found Rosita sitting in the living room. "I'm up." I said, smiling over at her. She looked up and flashed me a smile as I sat down in a chair, releasing Noah once I sat down.

"You're supposed to be taking him to visit Negan today - which I still don't fully approve of, by the way." She commented, glancing over at me.

I had finally had to explain to her about Noah and I's visits to see my father, after Noah mentioned something about the man in the cage.

Surprisingly, she had taken it okay. She didn't necessarily like it, but family was family and in the state of world we lived in - blood relation was hard to come by.

"Don't worry, we'll only be there for an hour at most." I said, watching Noah playing with some of his toys. "You could come with us, you know."

Rosita shook her head. "No, I'm fine without seeing Negan. I trust you, Daniel - I just don't exactly like that he tried to ruin our community and is getting to spend time with our son."

I nodded and stood up, "Alright. Well we better get going. Come on, Noah." I said, walking over to where Noah was sitting. I picked him up and walking out of the house.


Noah was asleep in my arms with his head resting against my shoulder as I walked back into our house. Rosita walked back into the living room when we opened the door.

"Hey, I'm gonna take him upstairs and get him in his bed." I said, walking to where she was standing and pressing my lips against her forehead. She nodded and I walked over to the stairs, heading up them to Noahs room.

Once I got Noah into his bed, I walked out of the room and closed the door most of the way - leaving it open a crack so we could hear him if he needed anything.

I looked over at Rosita, who had followed us upstairs. "So how was the visit?" She asked.

"It was good, Noah likes visiting him I think. I'm not sure how good I feel about him actually enjoying visiting Negan but I mean he's not going to learn anything from him." I said, shrugging slightly.

Rosita nodded, "Once he gets older, we'll have to explain what Negan did."

"I know and I'm not looking forward to that. Honestly though I think Negan enjoys the visits too. He hasn't even attempted to get me to get him out of there since Noah came around."

"Well that's good that he's accepted that you aren't going to help him." She said, walking over to where I was standing. "Maybe I'll even come with you guys next time - if that offers still there."

I wrapped an arm around her, "Of course it is. Noah would probably love you coming with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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