Mission Failure

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I had just finished the guard shift with Aaron. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be headed after that, so I was wandering around - looking around the place more than I previously had.

"Daniel," I heard come from a nearby door. I turned around and found Rosita standing there. "You coming home?"

"Yeah, of course." I said, walking up to where she stood in the door. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." I replied, wrapping my arms around her.


After we got back from the trip to the Hilltop things seemed to get better, there was a lot less stress between me and Rosita. In fact I would even go as far to say that things were great.

"Do you have to go on that trip today?" Rosita asked, intertwining our hands on the other side of her. "Isn't there anyone else who could take your place? So you could just stay here?"

"I told Aaron and Jesus I would go with them. I have to go." I said, smiling slightly. "I wish I could stay here though."

"Be careful, please." She mumbled, not letting go of my hand.

"I'll be fine, we're just hitting up an outpost." I said, pressing my lips against her neck. "Trust me. I'll be back here tonight. With you."

"I trust you, I just don't trust the Saviors." She said, leaning back against me. "I would prefer you back here tonight, in one piece. So please be careful."

"I know that place in and out, it'll be easy."


We had just gotten to the outpost, all three of us carrying guns as we walked up to the back door. I nodded at Jesus who reached over and opened the door.

Once we were inside, we split up. I took off quietly down a corridor while the other two went opposite ways. I was in a room about to open the door to a supply room when I heard gunshots in the distance.

As I reached for the door knob, I felt myself falling. I immediately felt the pain of a bullet in my leg. As I reached for my gun that I had dropped, I was met with a foot stepping on my arm. I looked up and was met with the face of a former friend.

Samuel smirked, a vicious look on his face. "You aren't making it out of this one, Danny."

"Sam, please." I asked, feeling my leg becoming wet with blood.

"No, you're a traitor and you're going to pay like any other traitor does. You're going to die, slowly and painfully." He said, grabbed my gun off the floor, he shook his head. He used the butt of the gun and slammed it against the side of my head. Everything immediately going black.

Everything was foggy when I started coming back around, my leg felt heavy. I couldn't make out sentences going on around me, just parts of them.

"This isn't good....... get him out..... Jesus." I heard one voice say.

"Should.... move him?" Another replied.

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