Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

He didn't understand it though, he didn't understand what was so wrong about it. Initially, he had grown up like his father, seeing the common couple pairings of man and woman, so when he first started having the feelings towards Milo, he only assumed it had to be wrong because it went against the norm. However, when he learned that there were others when he saw how people were hiding even though they weren't hurting anyone, Cedric had to why did people find it wrong?

His parents never once had a problem with Milo, in fact, back when there was nothing between the two boys, they adored him. So why was it such an issue, nothing else had really changed about Milo and if anything wasn't it a good thing that someone cared about their son as more than a friend? Milo wasn't a bad influence on him either, his mother had said that it was always "such a blessing" that Cedric had such a good friend. She complimented Milo on his manners and the way the boy focused on his studies, always willing to learn something new. So, where had it suddenly all gone wrong?

Throughout his childhood, Cedric remembered his parents claiming that they just wanted what was best for him and they wanted him to be happy in life, but it seemed like they didn't truly mean it because if they did, they would have been happy when they received Cedric's letter. They would have been happy to know that the boy that Cedric felt the most comfortable with sharing the same feelings for him and that made him the happiest. They didn't seem to get that at all, his father just assumed that he was "tainted."

With his thoughts swimming, Cedric didn't want to think about his parents anymore, at least, not for the rest of the night. He wanted to relax and get some sleep. He truly hadn't gotten a proper night's rest since everything had gone to shit with Milo before. He would spend nights tossing and turning, waking up in the middle of the night and just feel groggy and miserable throughout the day. That night he was hoping to get a good night's rest as it looked as though it was going to be an early night.

Arriving back to the common room, Cedric wished the girls a good night before venturing to the boy's dorm. He dropped Milo off in his own bed, telling Paden to watch over him before he left to his dorm room. His roommates were still out, a couple of them in the common room and some lingering around after dinner. It was still early, too early for most of his dorm mates to be going to bed. But Cedric decided to just change right into his pyjamas, use the toilet and then crawl into bed. 

He did follow those steps, all except the last one because as he returned to the room to crawl into his bed, it seemed someone had already beat him to it. A sound of a shrill chirp graced his ears as he saw Paden sitting on one of the posts of his bed, looking directly at him. Curled up at the end of his bed, Milo had tucked himself into a little ball and returned back to sleep. Cedric snorted quietly to himself with a shake of his head.

Milo truly was a little kitten, refusing to sleep in his own bed, only to venture into others to curl up at the end. The way Paden was chirping it made it sound like the bowtruckle was trying to tell Cedric that he had tried to reason with Milo to stay in his own bed but the boy wouldn't listen.

"It's alright, Paden," Cedric reassured the small creature, " he's fine where he is, let him rest. You go on and get yourself comfortable as well. I don't think he'll be leaving tonight."

Instead of finding another spot, Paden leapt over onto Cedric's pyjama shirt and tucked himself right into the boy's breast pocket, disappearing from sight, with the exception of his long limbs sticking out. 

When Cedric climbed into his bed, he wouldn't exactly say that he was comfortable with the sleeping arrangement, considering he really didn't have anywhere to put his legs, but he wasn't about to move Milo either. But while he wasn't exactly comfortable, he was content, but Milo was close to him and everything seemed to be alright as he settled himself in and went to bed. 

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