Chapter 1- Son of a Brain Muncher

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Chapter 1- Son of a brain Muncher

"Thomas!" My mom called from downstairs, "If you don't get up now, your gonna miss the bus and Im not gonna drive you to school again!"

I was laying in bed, debating wheather I should just tell my mom Im sick or go to school. I really didn't wanna get up, I had been up last night till three in the morning playing my favorite as well as cheesiest zombie fps game, Zombon Anarchy: Revenge of the Undead.

Last night I had beat my high score on the game mode, Killing Spree, it was one of the proudest moments of my life. I was laying there grinning, thinking about it when my mom called again.

"Get your butt out of bed now! Or I will come in there and dump a bucket of water on you!" My mom screeched in her high pitched voice.

I figured I may as well suck it up and get ready for school, I was just thankful it was a Friday. Fridays make everything better.

As I was trudging along through my routine of getting ready for school, I turned on the radio, flipped it over to my favorite rock station, and started using my toothbrush as an air guitar as Down With the Sickness blasted through the tiny speakers. Just as it was getting to my favorite part, the song clicked off and a few beeps came on two seconds later. I immediately recognized it as the emergency broadcast radio signal.

Now, being the nerd I am, and already having zombies on the brain (no pun intended) from last nights gaming spree, I immediately assumed it was a zombie pandemic. I stopped brushing my teeth an waited for someone on the radio to tell everyone to evacuate. But there was no such luck, it just went on to say that it was a test, and the computerized voice apologized for interrupting the regular programming. So I quickly went back to getting ready for school. I was just styling my hair into its normal crew cut that was a bit to long when I glanced at the clock. It read 6:45. I started moving faster, mom was right, if I didn't hurry up, I'd miss the bus for sure.

As I was sprinting the few blocks it was to the bus stop, I found myself wondering why the zombie apocalypse hadn't struck already, then I wouldn't have to do homework. I knew it was stupid to want something like a pandemic that would kill millions, but he figured it would be better than all this society crap. Pure anarchy would be awesome.

I slowed to a jog once I saw the other people who rode my bus were still waiting at the stop. Good, I thought, I haven't missed it.

The bus was ten minuets late and the bus driver smelt like alcohol, he'd probably been drinking before he started driving and was on a buzz or something. I really wished I had his own car already, I was a junior in high school, and I still needed people to chauffeur hme around, it was degrading.

But even so, I figured he couldnt really do anything about the guy being drunk, so I just walked to the middle of the bus and took a seat.

The bus ride was about fifteen minuets, and right when I walked on campus the bell rang. So I ended up sprinting across campus to the 7000 building. My science teacher, Mrs.Jamie made anyone who was late, even by a few second, pass or not, go to sweep. Of which is where a student would have to stay for the whole period and they wouldnt let you be on your phone, or read, or do homework, qll you did was sit there and do nothing. It was rediculous, and a waste of class time.

I bolted through the door and took my seat right when the final bell rang. Phew, I tought, that would have been bad. I took my binder out of my bag and pulled out last nights homework, waiting for Mrs.Jamie to give the okay to turn it in. I was revewing it, and making sure it was all correct, when his lab partner, Kayla, a very attractive brazilian girl asked, "Wheres Mrs.Jamie?"

I looked up from my paper. Thats wierd, I thought, Mrs.Jamie was never late.

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