Every End Is A New Beginning (1)

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Third Person POV

Pippa shouted in anguish as she watched her brother plunge beneath the icy depths. An invisible force seemed to drag him down, to take him away from her.

She wanted to help him, but what could she do? If she tried to rescue him, she would end up with the same fate as he.

She watched, paralyzed as the water which he had fell into rippled and splashed before stilling completely.

Oxygen bubbles floated to the surface before settling and disappearing.

He was gone.

She tried to scream, but the ability escaped her. Instead, she turned and ran. She sprinted through the woods, not stopping until she reached her home.

She slammed her small fists against the wooden door, ignoring the splinters that tore through her skin.

The door swung open and out came her mother." What on earth- Pippa? What are you doing? Where's Jack?" She asked.

His name brought her voice back and she shrieked. She shouted his name over and over, pleading with him to come back. She wrapped her thin arms around her mother's legs and cried into them.

She was overcome with grief, growing more hysterical by the minute. Her mother realized that something dreadful must have occurred.

Her mother left Pippa with a trusted friend and ran off into the woods, in search of her son who, unknown to her, was long gone.

A few moments later, horrified shrieks sounded throughout the woods. They turned into sobs as Pippa's mother returned to them.

" Lillian, what is the matter?" Her friend asked out of concern.

Lillian just grabbed Pippa and hugged her as tight as she could, fearing that she would leave her as well.

From that point and onward, the Overland family was never the same.

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