Chapter four: healing up

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Elizabeth's pov:
The next day I woke up with a wet pillow and a runy nose. I sighed and got up. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I blowed my nose and went back to my room. I cleaned up my room and made my bed. I hear my door open all of a sudden, I turn around to see Henry walk in. I sigh in relief, I say "hey um.. what's up?" He shrugs and says "im sorry about yesterday I know that I shouldn't have let you out but I just want you to have fun for once." I look down and nod. I say "well I gotta go make dad some breakfast before he goes to work, would you like something to eat before you go out?" He shrugs and says "sure" I go downstairs and get breakfast ready. I stir some eggs with some salt and pepper, I pour the mixture into the pan and start to stir. I get some bacon out and put it on a pan. Once I finished getting everything ready I put some food on three plates and put them on the kitchen table. Dad comes down to eat and says "looks good." I slightly smile at the thought of him actually being kind. He sits down and starts to eat. He realizes Henry's eating with us and says "why the fuck is this thing eating with us after what he did yesterday?" I look down and say "I thought he would want to have something to eat." Dad slams his fist on the table and yells "THAT LITTLE PEICE OF SHIT DOESNT DESERVE TO EAT AFTER WHAT HE DID YESTERDAY!" I look at him scared and then look at Henry and say "you should go..." Henry nods and gets up and leaves with a slam of the front door. I look at dad going back to eating. I just pick at my food until I felt like eating. Once me and dad were done eating I washed our dishes and put them away. Once I finished cleaning up i went to my room to read my new book.
As time went by I got really board. I finished my book, I couldn't go outside. Hmmm, oh! Music! I turned on the radio as queen was playing of bohemian rhapsody plays. I start playing the air guitar and singing around my room. "So you think you could love me and leave to die! Oh baby can't do this to me baby! Just gotta get out just gotta get right out of me!" Then the guitar solo comes on. My favourite part! Then all of a sudden I hear stomping coming to my room. I get really scared thinking that it's my dad. I turn off my music, and go back to my book. The door opens to see Henry and the boys. They all look beaten up. I sigh in relief and say "what happend to you guys?" Henry says "those god dawm losers." I look at him weird "the losers club did this?" He explains what happened with the club and says "it was all a weird experience. But can you clean us up? We're all pretty beaten up." I nod and bring them to the Bathroom. They had some pretty nasty cuts on them. Well that's what happens when they get rocks thrown at them... payback I guess?

I know that boring but I had nothing to right and I had to update
~Abby alouche

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