Chapter two: hangin' with henry

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Elizabeth's pov:
The next day I woke up, got dressed ☝️ and head downstairs without waking my dad. I made myself some breakfast and cleaned my dishes. I went back to my room and just layed there until I herd a knock on my door I say "yes?" It's Henry fewf. He comes in and says "hey do you wanna hang for the day with me and the boys? I think you really need to get out more lizzy. Come on" I groaned and said "fine but only cause I'm bored and I need to return my book from the library anyway." He said "fine but come on." I grabbed my book and my library card. We got our shoes on and headed out. We grabbed the boys and I got to sit in shot gun thank the lord no creepy guy. We go to the library for me to pick out anew book. While we were there the boys were groaning it was hilarious but also annoying. So I picked the book I wanted and returned my old one. We got into the car and headed off wherever we were going. I don't know where we're going but I just go with it. It's Henry what could he possibly do? Then we saw the kid that Henry was bullying up before he saw and pulled over I said "Henry what are you doing?" He doesn't answer and runs after the kid. I run after him with the boys behind me but then I was pulled back by the boys. I yell "what the fuck are you doing to me! Let me go! Henry!" Henry drags the kid over to us and takes out his pocket knife. I look at Henry like he was Henry like he was crazy. "Henry what the fuck are you doing? Henry stop!" Henry says "Patrick come help me hold this piece of shit down! Blech keep a hold of lizzy!" The boy struggles underneath Henry's grip as he carves an H in his stomach "Henry stop! Are you insane?! Stop!" The boy gets out of Henry's grip and falls down the hill and runs away. We all go down the steep hill trying to find Henry's knife. He yells at the boys to go find the boy and to bring him back. Henry and I continue looking for his knife, this is where he starts to break down. I had to let him just cry into my arms I just hug I'm and whispering him things in his ear to calm him down. He just hugs me he says "I think I'm going crazy lizzy, I can't do this. Act so tough and everything. And then these voices in my head are telling me to do these terrible things and I can't make it stop. I need you lizzy your the only thing that makes me safe." I just shush him and say "it's ok, everything is gonna be alright. I can help you, but you need to control your self ok? Can you do that for me?" I nods and says "I'll try if the voices will let me." I say "just try, just try." Then all of a sudden we hear a scream coming from the distance Henry says "it sounds like Patrick." We run to where we heard the screams to see the river that leads to the sewers. I start to back up and say "no Henry I'm not going in there. I can't. I won't." He nods and says "Patrick is probably is fine anyway. He can take care of himself." We head back to the car and go home.... let's just hope there's nothing going on at home.

~Abby alouche

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