Chapter 2 - The Uncle?!

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-Tyler's POV-

I have always been nervous and awkward around others so mentally connected with my familiar, Cobra.

As I was walking to sit down, Cobra entered and slithered towards me as I held out my left arm for him to wrap himself around.

'Still not comfortable with others?' Cobra hissed.

"Yeah..." I sighed as I watched Percy and Jason laugh as he played games with the others. There was some many different species here, apart from humans that is.

"Umm... Hi." I jumped as a person stood a little to my right. Why hadn't I noticed him coming?

I smiled and shuffled awkwardly, "Hey..."

He sat down on one of the blue, fluffy chairs that was next to me. He had white hair, a sort of muddy brown colour for eyes, and seemed to be a year or so older than Percy.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't introduce myself." He held his hand out for me to take, "I'm Rogue, I'm a Spiritian, born on my home planet, Fántasma."

"Does your planet have any powers?" I asked, I mean there's no point in introducing myself, everyone knows who I am.

"Umm... yeah. I can show you if you want?" He asked so I just shrugged. "Okay. Hold out you arm. And please try not to freak out..."

I held out my arm as Cobra slithered to my other arm. Rogue then reached out to touched my forearm, only for his hand to pass straight through.

Unable to stop, I start giggling as his arm went through mind.

"Never had that reaction before?" He said in shock.

I felt my face heat up as I took my arm back, "Sorry I'm just really ticklish."

"It's cool!" He chuckled, "I was just shocked because normally people freak out."

"Well I think it's awesome!" Hopefully I will finally get a friend...



"What was that?" I heard my dad say as everyone went silent with shock as the explosion rattle through the hall.

With that about 300 men started to run in; they had skeletons as the top part of there face, black skin, grey hoods, black tracksuit bottoms and black combat boots. (The men in the photo) They each had there own weapon, I didn't even though that many kinds of weapons existed.

My dad instantly ran to me and picked me up, just as a sword came down and hit the place I was just standing at.

Yelped and gripped onto dad, feeling tears gather in my eyes. "It's going to be okay..." My dad whispered to me as he walked towards the other side of the hall.

I looked up and saw my brother and Jason being guided towards us by Auntie Order.

I was placed down as dad kneeled to the same hight as Percy, "Now, I want you to look after your brother, Okay?" Dad had his arm around me and a hand on Percy's shoulder.

I shook my hand and wrapped my arms around my dad, "Please don't go..." I felt the tear pouring out of my eyes now.

Dad hugged me back, "I'm sorry..." Pulling my arms from around him, he nooded to Percy who grabbed my wrist and pulled me.

"He's going to be alright... Dad and Auntie Order are the creators of the Universe after all..." I looked to Percy who was crying too, I sniffled, wiped my tears away and nodded.

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