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Planes, I really should've been used to these already. I've moved from city to city, timezone to timezone so many times over my life, but being alone? That was a whole new feeling all together. The departure was as peaceful and uneventful as all the other times. The ride itself was less so, but the games I play tend to get repetitive after a while, but they're still fun. It was the landing and seeing japan for the first time where I was just, dumbfounded!

"Welcome to Yavin Station, terminal 4."

Everett looked out the window of the terminal he was in, the bright sky, the white clouds, it was a beautiful sight. People flooding everywhere, some with obvious quirks, not at all as Everett's used to. Some had horns, tails, and other easy to spot details. As he walked to the end of the terminal he saw an elderly couple, holding a sign with his name on it.

*my grandparents were the only familiar faces I saw. Hell they were the only ones I had.*

Everett hugged his grandparents. And after their hellos, they were all quick to head home.

Once home Everett was quick to unpack. In one of his boxes, He found his old penny board.

Holding it tightly he walked out of his room down the stairs seeing his grandparents watching TV close to each other. 

"Hey pops, gran gran. I was thinking of hitting the town. Do you need any groceries or something?"

"No thank you dear." His grandmother spoke in a calm voice. "Go on, go make friends."

Everett walked a fair distance away from his new home set his tiny board down and went off, using his quirk to bring headphones to his ears. Losing track of time with the new surroundings.

As Everett began to walk, putting his penny board on his back by his new backpack. he looked around the busy streets, bumping into somebody.

"Watch were you're going idiot!"
The blonde boy said, Everett understood it was Japanese. This guys hair looked like it just survived an explosion, he definitely had the charm of one.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He spoke in English first. But then repeated that in Japanese.

"Well you should know to get out of my way, you moron."

Everett watched as the boy and his two friends walked off, the one in the middle kicking a soda bottle.

"Lively personality."

Everett put his headphones back on and walked away. Having enough of wandering around his new "home town."

About 15 minutes later Everett walked back to his house, sliding open the door to see his grandfather tinkering with his watch.

"Everett, come here please."
Everett walked over.

"Yes pops?"

"My stupid watch isn't workin, I tried a new battery but it just isn't enough."

Everett set his hand out and his grandfather gave it up. Everett closed his hand and sparks shot into the watch after a while, ticking was heard.

"Thank you my boy! Those quirks of yours can really come in handy! I'll come to you if my car needs a Jumpstart!" Both he and his grandfather laughed at the joke.

"Well, I'll be in my room so if you do, you know where to find me!"
As Everett walked up the stairs to his door. He stopped.

"Jump start?.. I like that!"

*then I had the idea, "If I was going to a hero school, why not have a superhero name?! Or a suit!" So I was quick to think of a suit. So there I was sitting at my desk with a blank paper, drawing my design for a suit. Having my TV on so it wasn't quiet.

"In later news, hero's band together to help save a young boy from a villains attack. Sources say that the-"

I didn't hear much, I just kept the TV on as I continued. And eventually it was just up to a color scheme. 

*4 months later.*

My 4 months of living in Japan so far was met with some bumps but soon it was almost time to get ready for the entrance exam for U.A and soon, a hero career.

Everett sat in the middle of his room playing video games. His empty room was now filled with stuff. Even a poster of "All Might!"

His desk was filled with costume designs.And letters from his parents. As well as a letter from U.A. All next to a closed laptop.

"K.O!"  On the TV screen was 2 knights one wearing green armor standing victorious, while another knight laid back as the round ended. His sword laid on the ground next to him.

"Ah! Damnit!" Everett sat back in defeat a fixing the mic in his headset.

"Alright, you win. Fair and square." He spoke in fluent Japanese.

"Till our souls and swords meet again. I gotta log off."

"Oh! Well I guess I'll see you around later Takahasi-kun?" The voice on the other side was softer, more polite

"Yeah, hey? you know I never got your name."

"M-m maybe another time. I hope you understand."

"No it's perfectly okay. See ya around."

*sir Sparksalot has logged off.*

"See ya."

*All_Might_JR. Has logged off.*

Everett looked to his Calendar and in a big circle was "Hero school." Under the date. Tomorrow's date.

"Wow.. all that time, waiting. I wonder what it will be like. I wonder who I'll meet!"

The next day.
Everett was waiting at the front of U.A seeing all sorts of people walking in. Until his eyes gazed on a boy with black hair with green accents when the sunlight hit it, he was talking to another girl. Keeping his head down. He was oddly familiar. Everett just had to know who this boy was. Until it occurred to him, from the news.

"Hey! No wonder I recognized you! You were on the news 4 months ago! That was pretty brave of you."

Midoriya was blushing. Hiding his face in his arms "y-y-Yes, Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you And Uh... Thanks! I guess."

"Don't sweat it buddy. Everett Takahashi, pleasure to meet you. And you too. You guys ready to be heroes?"

"Yeah!! It's been my dream for so long."

"Best of luck then. I'll meet you guys inside. See ya around Midoriya."

Midoriya, Uraraka, and I went our separate ways, into the hero school.


My Heroic Story. MHA X OC. (Kinda male readerish)Where stories live. Discover now