Chapter 16

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The next few days were spent on Anne's sofa hashing through all the wedding details she and Lottie has came up with. Making a few quick changes Jacqueline and Harry has decided to insist on, knowing it won't be that difficult to change. On their third day home Lottie declares it's time to shop for Jacqueline's dress, the brides maids and the other girls standing with her dresses. Anne said Harry and the guys should go at the same time since he doesn't seem to want to leave Jacqueline's side.

"So I'm assuming you two aren't going to adhere to the traditional rules, and not see each other in your formal dress before the wedding?" Gemma asks.

Harry shrugs. "It's up to Jacq. I'll go with whatever she wants to do." Harry says.

Jacqueline shrugs also. "I always thought I wanted that fairy tale, traditional wedding." She says, holding Harry's hand. "But now that the time has come, I think I'd rather have Harry there with me, helping me pick the perfect dress. I think it'll be more fun this way."

Clare speaks up for the first time. "I agree. My sister and her husband did it this way. And even though he knew what the dress looked like, helped chose it, when he saw her for the first time at the church, he almost passed out. He said later it was like seeing her for the first time."

"In that case, I say let's get loaded up and head out. We have quite a bit of shopping to get done." Anne says. "I have room for five."

"Wait!" Gemma says before anyone could move. "Before we go anywhere we need to know who we're shopping for. Jacq, who is standing with you?" She asks.

"Oh, well naturally I'd want my Lottie by my side. But I was kinda hoping my new family members would join her, Gemma, you, Sarah and Clare are like wonderful big sister's to me also, I'd love to have you up there with me."

"Of course we will." The three ladies say at the same time.

"And of course I'd need Dan to give me away, if you will?" Jacqueline asks.

"Oh, Jacq. You are my daughter, here." Dan says, tapping his chest, above his heart region. "I love you, of course I'll walk you down the aisle, but I'll never give you away, you'll always be mine." He whispers, hugging her, causing tears to come to everyone's eyes.

"Damn you Dan." Gemma whispers, wiping away her tears. "Okay Harry, what about you?"

Harry sighs. "Louis is my obvious choice." He says. "I'd have Liam and Niall here also if they were still talking to me, and of course Mitch."

"Don't count us out yet." Niall says before Harry could continue.

"Yeah, Louis can be very convincing when he's pissed." Liam says.

Harry spins and looks toward the door to see his other two band mates standing there, he hasn't seen them since their break started almost three years ago. "Liam, Niall, what are you doing here?"

"Lou called." Liam says. "Literally chewed us a new arsehole, telling us there is no way in hell he'd let his best friend get married without the other brothers there."

"So here we are." Niall laughs. "Where's the food? I'm starving."

Harry rolls his eyes as he stands up and hugs his friends. "God its so good to see you two."

"Missed you too." Liam says.

"Yeah, same." Niall says. "Now introduce us to the crazy girl who agreed to marry your ass."

Harry flicks Niall on the back of the head. "Hey, watch it." He chuckles. "Liam, Niall, this beautiful woman is my Jacqueline. Jacq, as you already know, this is Liam and Niall." Harry says, wrapping his arms around her.

Niall frowns. "How does she know? She a fan?" He asks.

Harry laughs, but it's Louis who answers. "No, Harry didn't make the proper introduction. Let me do the honors." Louis smirks. "Liam, Niall, Harry's future bride, Jacqueline Joanna Tomlinson, my younger sister."

"No fucking way." Liam says, his jaw dropping. "I thought we met all your siblings."

"Nope, I hid this one." Louis jokes.

"Very funny bubby." Jacqueline says. "I didn't want to be known as the younger sister of 1D's Louis Tomlinson, so I just stayed out of sight. After mum died and Louis decided to go on tour, I decided I'd go with him, that's how I met Harry." She explains quickly.

"Which leads us to where we are now." Anne says. "Meaning we need to leave, or we'll never find this girl a wedding dress, now everyone get in a car."

"Lou, do you mind if Clare and I ride with you? That way Liam and Niall can ride with Harry, give them time to catch up a little." Sarah asks.

"Sure, that's a great idea. In fact you can ride up front with me." Louis says, pissing Eleanor off. "El always has material samples spread out everywhere, in the back she'll have more room." He says.

Once in the car Harry looks over at Jacqueline and they both start laughing. "Louis is really pushing it. Eleanor looks like she's at the end of her rope, and is about to strangle Lou with it." Jacqueline giggles, causing Harry to get hard.

"Yeah, either that or he'll get what he wants, her to learn her lesson." Harry says.

"Uhm, guys? Want to fill us in?" Liam says.

"Oh, right." Jacqueline chuckles, so as Harry drives to the tux rental store, she tells Liam and Niall what happened about a month before, Louis' plan on flirting with Sarah to teach Eleanor how it feels to be played.

"Hmm, Eleanor will either throw a fit, play the victim. Or break up with Louis, making him the bad guy." Niall says.

"Well if that happens, I hope he and Sarah do fall for each other. They fit." Jacqueline says as Harry parks his car next to Louis'. When she opens her door they could hear Eleanor already complaining.

"This is going to be a long day." Harry groans.

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