Chapter 15

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Harry feels a light tap on his arm, opening his eyes he sees Mitch sitting in the seat across from him and Jacqueline. "We just landed. You two slept the whole time, which is a good thing." Mitch says. "You both needed the rest, wake up sleeping beauty. I'll help you with the bags, the car is at the front gate."

Harry nods. "Thanks bud, you and Sarah are going to mum's with us right?"

"Yep, we're supposed to be meeting Jacq's family there." Mitch whispers. "Sarah and Louis still have that deal going, in fact I think they're texting now. Probably the reason Eleanor's giving you two so much shit." He says as he watches how lovingly Harry wakes the girl beside him. Mitch isn't stupid, he's seen what people say about him on social media, some good, some not. That's probably the reason why he and Harry hit it off so well, they're so much alike. They don't post shit on twitter or instagram just to be posting, it needs to mean something or they just stay off. As for him, he's never been a talker, never made friends with people quickly. Harry was different, his kindness won him over. When it came to Jacqueline, at first Mitch wasn't sure if she was really who she portrayed herself to be, or if she was hiding her true nature until she got an in with Harry. After spending a little time with her, getting to know the real Jacqueline. Mitch has come to love her as much as he does Harry. He's happy they've found each other.

"Morning Mitch." Jacqueline smiles as she stands up, kissing his cheek. She then runs her hand over his head. "I think I like the longer hair, it just needs to be trimmed, shaped a little. I can do that if you want. Think about it." She says patting him softly on the cheek. The slips by him so she can use the bathroom and change.

Harry chuckles. "At least she doesn't wake up grumpy."

Mitch laughs. "There is that. But you know, she's right." Mitch says as he runs his hand through his hair. "I do need a trim, and it does look a lot better with some length to it. I just might take her up on her offer." He says as they gather up their belongings.

"She can do yours when she does mine." Harry says as they place their bags by the door.

"We ready to go?" Jacqueline asks when she reaches the guys side.

"Waiting for you babe." Harry says, wrapping his arm around her waist.

Jacqueline takes Harry's hand and follows him to the car waiting for them. Once they're on the road, she can barely contain her excitement. Jacqueline knew as soon as they got to Harry's mum's house she'd be seeing Lottie for the first time in over a month, she didn't think she'd miss her older sister this much.

Seeing the, barely held in, tears in Jacqueline's eyes, Harry pulls his phone out of his pocket and sends his mum a quick text telling her they just pulled onto her street, asking her to send everyone outside. He wanted to surprise Jacqueline by having her whole family here when they arrived.

Pulling into Anne's driveway, the first thing Jacqueline sees is Lottie walking out the door, but when Fizzy, Pheobe, Daisy and the younger twins, Doris and Ernest and even Dan follow, the tears that's been threatening to fall gush down her cheeks. With a muted sob, Jacqueline crawls over Harry, opens the door, jumps out of the car before the driver could even get his open, and runs to her family, jumping into Dan's arms.

With tears in his own eyes, and huge grin on his face, Harry follows Jacqueline at a slower pace, by the time he reaches her side she's hugged everyone and has each of the younger twin in her arms.
"Hey Dan." Harry whispers, giving him a hug, he then hugs the rest of the family, when he's done doing that, he takes one of twins from Jacqueline so they can go in and see his mum and Gemma.

"Wow, baby brother. Better watch it, this could be you in a few years." Gemma laughs, waving at him, Jacqueline and the twins.

Harry grins, wraps his arm around Jacqueline's waist, pulling her closer. "Fine with me, you know how much I love kids."

Anne walks up, hugging them both. "Yeah, but do you want them two at a time?"

"Hell yes." Harry says quickly, causing Mitch to snort.

"I'll baby sit with Sarah's help." Mitch chuckles.

"If I have kids like mum did we can start our own mini band, they can help teach them to play the instruments." Jacqueline laughs as she sets Doris down.

"Do you play anything?" Sarah ask. "You've been traveling with us all this time, we know you sing like an angel, but never thought to ask that."

"I do, I play the piano, keyboard, I can play the guitar, the drums a little, passible on the bass, I'm still learning that." Jacqueline says, laughing at the look on Harry's face.

"Then you can teach our kids." Harry chuckles.

"Nope, that's Uncle Mitch's job." Jacqueline smirks, kissing his cheek as she walks by him, seeing the tears in his eyes. "I'm hungry, where's the food?" She asks, helping get the attention off Mitch.

"What? You guys eating without me?" Louis asks from behind them all.

"Achoo." The twins cry, running to Louis.

"Hey there kiddos." Louis grins, falling to his knees, hugging his younger siblings.

"Louis, you're so rude." Eleanor snaps as she walks in the door. "You could have waited for me."

"You could have gotten off the fucking phone when I told you we were almost here also. Now shut up and behave or I'll have Randy come back and take you to a hotel." Louis snaps.

"Wonderful." Gemma says. "If she goes shopping with us I swear to God I'll hog tie her if she makes one bad comment about Jacq." She says as she walks toward the kitchen.

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