Accepting the mission

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The girl rounded the corner and found the object her boss was looking for; the necklace.

'Too easy' she thought as she looked down the hallway. That's when she noticed the faint glitch in the programming. Lasers. She silently grabbed the can of pepper spray she stole from the guard and sprayed it all around in front of her. Faint pinkish lines began to appear. She took a running start and leapt through the hole made only big enough to fit her body. She rolled and tumbled across the floor until she came to a stop in front of the necklace. She looked cautiously at the glass encasing it. The girl took the empty can of pepper spray and carefully set it on top of the case. Suddenly it was covered in tiny needles that glistened off of the light every now and then. She took the chance to break the glass and slip the necklace off of the display. The alarm sounded and she took a bounding leap, grabbed a water pipe that was hanging low, and kicked the ceiling out. She quickly placed the ceiling back in its spot and took off running. She made it to the entrance with no problems. Right when she was about to jump down, she heard voices.

"So what are we gonna do about that brat who stole the necklace?" One of the men asked.

The other replied, "I don't know. There's no way she'll make it out alive. No one has who has tried."

"Where do you think she's at?" The man questioned once again.

The other man shrugged his shoulder and said, "Security's probably got her by now. Even if they don't, this is the only exit. She'll have to go through us to get out," The girl just stayed crouched down. She did a double take. There was a chandelier hanging a few feet from her and a few feet from that, there was an open window with a tree right outside. The girl took a few timid steps back and ran full speed before she launched herself into the air. She silently landed on the chandelier and swung there for a second.

The men down below didn't hear a thing.

She took a swap breath and leapt out the window an into the gigantic oak tree. As she was getting ready to run, the simulator shut off. She dropped to the ground and landed on her feet. The leader, or Mission Control as they called him, stepped into the room.

"Where's the necklace?" The girl twirled it around her finger. Mission Control snatched it up.

"Good girl. Now come, we have a new mission for you," the girl silently followed.

The man looked behind him and smirked. It had taken them years to make her perfect. After a while she became the silent doll she is today. Sure, it took some 'reducation' but they did it. The girl looked straight ahead, not once looking towards her Mission Contol. She knew better than to look at him. They walked along the hallways until they came to a stop in front of his office. He opened the door and ushed the silent teen into the room. She immediatly threw a knife towards her left. A girlish scream echoed throughout the room.

Mission Control chuckled, "Down, girl. You need to play nice for the time being," The girl replied with a swift nod. Her knife was thrown back at her and she turned towards the blade and caught it in her hand with a blank expression. The boy who threw the knife looked horrified for she was gripping the sharp end with her bare hand. The girl let go of the knife and cleaned it off before putting it back up her sleeve. She turned back towards the front of the room and bowed down to one knee. All of the sudden, the door smashed open and in ran six boys. The girl's head snapped up and MIssion Control nodded towards her. She nodded back and got up to her feet.

The boy in front turned towards her only to be backhanded across the face.

Everyone was in a state of shock. The girl, still with a blank expression, dragged the boy forwards to Mission Control. She threw him on the ground and went to stand with the other boys. They all looked at her with a questioning glance. She didn't turn to them.

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