Living The Simple Life

Start from the beginning

We had been sitting around for a while and I was watching as Rosita held Baby Hershel.

"He's adorable, Maggie." I said, smiling.

Maggie nodded, "He looks like Glenn."


We were finally headed back to Alexandria and so far the car ride had been silent.

I glanced over at her, "So, Maggie's got a pretty cute kid."

She nodded. "So when were you going to tell me that you've been visiting Negan?"

"What? I haven't."

"Tara saw you and asked me why you were bothering with visiting him. So don't even lie about it, Daniel." She said, shaking her head. "So why were you visiting him?"

I looked out of the car window, "He's my father, and he's currently being kept in the same place that we live. I can't just go without ever seeing him again."

"Yeah, you could go without seeing him. You don't need to worry about treating him as if he wouldn't have killed you to win over Alexandria."

"Rosita, I don't like him anymore than you do-"

"Apparently you do, if you'd rather be there than at home."

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say." I said, looking over at her.

"What'd he want from you anyway?"

"He was just telling me that I'm not going to be happy living in Alexandria for the long run."

"Do you believe him? Seriously, I just need to know. Are you just gonna take off in a couple weeks?"

"No, I'm not going to leave. I'm happy in Alexandria, with you."

Rosita looked over at me, "I can't keep trying to figure out when you're lying to me, Daniel. Cause you were just going to keep lying to me about going visit him."


After Rosita found out that I had been going to see Negan, it had been a rough couple of weeks. We barely even talked whenever we were both home, and at this point I was even wondering if we were even still technically together. Did sex and living in the same house, but barely talking, classify as a relationship?

I was helping Father Gabriel clean up the church, anything to keep me out of the house. I didn't like barely talking to Rosita, it wasn't normal for us to just be in the same area and say maybe five words to each other a day.

"So, how have things been going?"

"Shitty." I said, before remembering that cursing probably wasn't the most polite thing to do in a church. "Sorry, it's just not been all that great."

Father Gabriel nodded, offering me a smile. "Its alright, Daniel. Things rough at home?"

I sat down on one of the pews and looked at him. "Yeah, kinda. I was visiting my father, and Rosita didn't think that was the best idea. The whole thing kinda blew up."

"What were you looking to get out of visiting him?" He asked, "Closure for the whole war? Reassurance that you weren't like him?"

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