I looked at him and raised my eyebrows as to ask him if we were still cool—but apparently it meant something else to the gay boy ant colony because he sighed and nodded, pushing his own lunch away and climbing up on the table to join me. I raised my eyebrows further and a wolfish grin flashed over his face, he caught me by the waist and yanked me forward kissing me so hard I got dizzy before spinning me into a sitting position by Robbie's homemade PB&J.

“I guess that kinda says it all.” he said, no need to shout as his deep voice carried easily through the silent lunch room. I looked for Seth, spotting his beautiful eyes easily, his crazy chick friends had their head together, muttering something and slapping money down on the table. I shot him a dirty look, like 'Oh we are so gonna talk about this later!'

Noah's arm was really starting to get to me, the caveman not so deep within demanded I rip it off and beat him with it—tempting, but I don't think Seth would appreciate violence as an abused child. “One more damn thing.” I growled, pushing myself off the table and marching over to the boy I was dangerously close to loving. I yanked him up by the front of his shirt, pushing his boyfriend away.

“Ian!” he cried, shocked and slightly ticked off, remembering how I had had him repeat my name over and over this morning had me grinning like an idiot and Seth blushing like crazy. I considered the consequences of my actions for all of three seconds before deciding that all of it was worth losing if I got Seth in the end.

I slammed my mouth to his making him gasp and his mouth to open. I took my only opening and thrust my tongue in the dark, sweet cavern, swirling around in his mouth punishingly thorough, squeezing his hips to mine, careful to keep my wits about me enough to notice when his boyfriend got up off the floor. When he did I gently pushed Seth back in his seat, but not before breathlessly whispering in his ear, “I told you I'd fight for you. That I was serious.” I stiffened, slitting my eyes and drew away, readying myself and sure enough, Noah's fist came forward clocking me in the jaw hard enough to make me taste blood. He drew back to hit me again, but Strange Chick appeared behind him and grabbed his arm before he could get another shot in.

“One you owed him,” she said the very picture of calm and reasonable, “but two would just be out of line.” he yanked his arm away glaring at me.

“I like him.” I told Noah before turning back to the lunch room, “I like Seth Brogan! Touch him and die, got it?!” I roared, making his adorable face burn.

“Why?” Noah hissed, “why do you have to hurt him more than you already have?” he demanded, catching me off guard.


Confusion clouded Ian's adorable face. I was still tingling all over and in shock that not only had he announced he was gay, but he kissed the unholy hell out of me directly afterwords, writing death sentences with his eyes as he told everyone that I was a 'hands off' item. “Come again?” he asked Noah, genuinely confused.

“You've been making his life a living hell for the last three years!” Noah's face was contorted in rage and he stood in front of me protectively.

I could decide if I was humiliated that they were having this little loves tiff over me in public or mortified that I was the cause of all this ruckus or just flat out outraged over Noah blasting my personal life for everyone to hear—after all it didn't go over to well last time. “What do you mean?” he ask uncertainly, deflating a little as he looked at me in confusion.

“You—!” Noah began, putting his finger right in Ian's face.

“Noah no!” I screamed, grabbing him from behind, trying desperately to get him to shut up. I didn't want anyone to know the stuff he was ready to spew—most of all I didn't want Ian to know. I couldn't bear to let my weaknesses make him suffer. “Please stop!” I begged his shoulder blades softly, hugging him tightly. “Please, I don't want anyone to know!”

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