Episode 9

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Flora didn't sleep well at all because her thoughts kept going back to Kate and Max with her rewind power. She was up early and wandering around campus, she didn't want to be anywhere near the dorms and she wanted to be alone. Her anxiety was creeping up, she knew something bad was going to happen but she wasn't sure what it was.

Much like every other day Nathan was up early, he wasn't one to sleep much anyway after yesterday's events he knew he fucked up again and he knew Mark would be upset. After what that bitch Max Caufield told Principal Fucker he was suspended. He was walking around the campus when he saw Flora leaning against the large trees in the courtyard. He wondered if she was still angry at him, probably considering she still hasn't answered any of his text or calls.

He slowly walked up to her, and she looked up at him before looking leaning back and closing her eyes. "Hey, how are you doing?" Flora shrugged not opening her eyes. So she was still angry at him, he thought. He made himself comfortable beside her and sighed. "Look I know you're still upset but please, I'm sorry. You're like the only person that I feel like I can be myself around and I don't want to lose you all because I got angry," Flora sighed and looked over at Nathan, she had never seen him look so defeated before and it made her feel bad.

"Promise me you will never get angry like that again, you didn't just hurt me you hurt my friends and I can't forgive anyone that hurts my friends, especially Max," Flora explained. "I let you slide just this once because I like but that's it no more freebies," Nathan smiled and jumped up. "Nice, now that you like me again I'm hungry so let's get some food," Flora nodded as Nathan helped her up.

The drive to the Two Whale's Diner was filled with a comforting silence for both Nathan and Flora, even though it had only been a few days since they stopped talking they were both happy to be together. When they arrived at the diner Nathan told Flora to find them a seat because he had something to do before going inside.

Flora walked into the small diner and took a seat in the far right corner, she smiled at Joyce who brought over a cup of coffee. "Good morning beautiful, how are you doing?" Flora took a sip of the bitter coffee and relaxed. "I'm fine thank you, how are you?" Joyce shook her hand before someone called her over. "I'll get you your regular," Flora thanked her as Nathan walked over to the booth.

"Did you fix whatever issue you were having, with your truck? He nodded and grabbed her coffee and a sip. "Gross, cheap coffee," Flora took the mug back and frowned at her spoiled friend. "If you know you don't like it then why did we come here?" Nathan ignored her and looked out the window. "I know you like this place that's why" Flora raised an eyebrow and nodded. "If you say so,"

"Has anyone told you, that you look like Rachel Amber?" Flora looked up at Nathan so fast she thought for a second her head was going to break off. "No why? Do you think so? Do you know anything about her?" Nathan made a face and nodded. "Yeah I knew her, she was a fun down to do anything. I kind of wish you were like that sometimes, but then again you wouldn't be you and I don't want that," Flora thanked Joyce when her food was placed in front of her.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not down to do every illegal thing you want to, I'd prefer not to do anything that's going to make me anxious and have an episode, so yeah," Nathan chuckled at Flora's comment and nodded. Flora's smile fell when she saw Max coming over to the table dressed, like Chloe. "What's up Max?" Nathan frowned and looked over at Max before smirking.

"Oh look, it's Max Amber. Nice outfit, by the way, thanks for getting me fucking suspended you twee bitch. You're lucky this is a public place," Flora frowned at Nathan before looking up at Max. "What's going on and why are you dressed like that?" Flora asked pulling on Max's shirt. "I spent the night at a friend's house, anyway Nathan, I heard your dad hired a cop to keep an eye out on you and Frank Bowers, like a babysitter," Max said with a small smirk on her face.

Fantasy or Reality (Life is Strange Fanfic) (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara