Georgie meets Pennywise

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Noooo! Georgie cries as his paper boat gets carried into the storm drain, he leans down to take a look, trying to see if his boat was possibly in reach. Two blazing yellow gold eyes appear seemingly out of nowhere causing Georgie to gasp and jump back.

A clown is now revealed to be the owner of the creepy eyes that were once an intimidating yellow, but now a bright unusual shade of blue. "Hi'ya Georgie!" The clown says in an unusual voice. Georgie knowing it is a bad idea to talk to strangers masters up his courage and says in a quiet voice "Hello..." The clown smiles in response, then trying to keep the conversation he introduces himself "I'm Pennywise, the dancing clown!"

Georgie now feeling more comfortable after the clown introduced himself decided to ask a question that was bugging him. "Why are you in the storm drain... and have you seen my boat?" Pennywise holds up his hand revealing the boat Georgie had asked about, the kid smiled at him and he smiled back and answered his second question." The storm blew me and the whole circus away... now I don't have anywhere to go, so I'm keeping dry by staying under here." "It must be awfully smelly... and cold too." "It is Georgie.. It is.."

Georgie thought of a kind of wreckless idea, but at his age, he didn't know better. "Mr.Pennywise how about you come and stay with me?" He says cheerfully, he looked at Pennywise waiting for a response. Penny wise smelled the air in an indiscrete way "I would like that." Georgie smiled at Pennywises response, "Let me tell my brother that I am bringing home a friend!" He grabbed his radio and as he was telling his brother who was not concerned in anyway at the moment, Pennywise climbed out from the storm drain and handed Georgie his boat.

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