32. Moody Mornings

Start from the beginning

Josh seemed to notice my lack of strength. "Do you need help?" He questioned.

"No. I'm fine," I muttered back to him. Since when would I need Josh's help.

He raised an eyebrow at me with a cocky smirk pulling at the side of his lips. "You sure?"

"Yes Joshua, I am su-AH." I yelped as I accidentally dropped my case down causing it to land on my foot. I heard a muffled snicker errupt from the red haired boy next to me as I hissed in pain rubbing my foot.

"So you don't need help?" Josh asked. You could practically hear the smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes cussing under my breath before a passing my suitcase over to Josh.

The boy easily picked it up, one handed, and strode down the stairs with not a single glimpse of struggle involved.

I groaned to myself in annoyance as I followed down the stairs behind him. Why did Josh always have to make me look so weak?

"Go wait in the living room as I put these in the car," he ordered as he wheeled both mine and his case out of the front door.

I nodded, my heavy feet plodding against the floor as I walked in the living room and collapsed on the sofa, digging my face into the pillow.

"Uuuaaggghhh," I moaned out. The sound slightly muffled from the pillow. Why did I have to be here, this house was like the living hell.

Everything I do, I always somehow get put with Josh.

Why did the author of this book have to be so cruel to me?!!

I whimpered in the pillow, but stopped when I heard a loud cough from someone clearing out my throat.

I hesitantly sat up, looking to see who it was.

"Are you okay, Tyler?" Mrs. Dun asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh-ug, ah yee- yes," I choked out on my own spit. She gave me a suspicious look as her eyebrows drew together.

"I'm just tired," I stated giving out a semi-convincing yawn.

She hummed, nodding in understanding. "Yes well, it is very early in the morning. I myself am very tired. I should probably go have a coffee now to wake up properly before I have to drive you, for the next hour, to the airport."

Just as Mrs.Dun was about to leave, Josh came in the room.

"Hey mum."

"Hello darling." She smiled. "You've packed everything in?"

"Yes, I've just loaded it in the car," Josh replied.

"Okay, that's good. Now are any of you boys hungry?"

Me and Josh both shook our heads.

"M'kay, I'm just going to have a quick coffee, then we'll leave." Mrs.Dun walked out if the room leaving me and Josh to sit there in silence.

Josh tapped his fingers along the coffee table as I watched him. There was nothing really to talk about, all I wanted to do was sleep.

Although, there will be plenty of time for sleeping on the plane. That's only if I don't get seated next to one of those annoying chatter boxes who are constantly yapping on and on. I hate those types of people, they're just constantly talking gibberish all the time.

Josh finally broke the tension between us and spoke up. "Are you excited, baby boy?"

"Don't call me that," I said sternly.

"Why not?" He asked smirking.

"Because I have a girlfriend," I stated.

"How come I never see her with you?" Questioned Josh. "You don't really seem like a couple at all."

I sighed in annoyance, rolling my eyes. "Shes just busy."

"MmHmm," Josh hummed sarcastically. "Right, 'busy'. How come she's 'busy' all the time?"

I glared at Josh. He was starting to really get on my nerves. "Can you just shut up!"

Me and Jenna's love life was NONE of his business, so why the need for him to get involved. He had nothing to do with us. At. All. What gave him the right to start questioning our relationship?

"Someone's moody," he muttered under his breath.

He furrowed his brows at me before rolling his eyes and pulling out his phone from his pocket.

I sighed aggravated, and doing the same. I had a lot if messages from my mum asking if everything was going okay.

I had the temptation just to tell her that everything was not okay because I was being forced to spend time with the devil's child, but I didn't think that would end up going well. So I just decided to reply to her, 'Everything is great, mum. Xx'

Of course, that was a complete lie.

~BASKETBALLS~ (Joshler) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now