Aries POV

I didnt know what to do now that zayn wasnt there with me i felt like i made a huge mistake letting him go. Now when i went to school i had no one to stick up for me when i was bullied no one to kiss me or hug me when i feeling down and no one could ever replace him . Even though sometimes he wasnt there for me and sometimes he did yell in my face i loved him. I sat and cried i was lost i didnt know what to do i sat in my room and sobbed. it had been a week already and i was getting worst every single day that pased i wasnt eating anything any i was becoming anarexic. I felt so sad even though i was the one who broke up with him. Some times i tried to text him and try to get back together but he never responded.

I no one helped me at school I was constantly thinking about suicide most people would say I was over reacting .


I was walking down the hallway when Jessica Fonder slammed into me. All my books were all over the floor .Jessica looked at me " what the fuck are you looking at you fugly bitch! " she yelled back and walked swishing as hard as she could to make her pancake butt noticeable. I stared at the floor where all my books were laying.I wanted to ball up in my sweater crawl in a hole and die. Tears started rushing down my face.I picked up my stuff and started walking down the hallway when I ran into harry. " oh I'm sorry" harry said stumbling across his words franticly trying to pick up my books sliding out of I'm arms and landing on the floor." Its OK " I said looking like a hot mess wiping my face and trying to make sure my mascara wasn't running.I didn't even care about my books the first question I asked him was " where is zayn?" I said fast." Zayn is sick he hasn't been at school for a week" harry said. I was sad I didn't even know zayn was sick."see unround harry" I said walking away."um OK " he said still standing in his spot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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