"Shh... Just kiss me." (Part 1)

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This is a little different, but I'm excited about it
Finn: 18 years old
Millie: 17 years old
Not dating!
Finn turned his car around skillfully and drove past tall, green trees.

It was a straight, slim road with nothing but rocks and branches covering the concrete.

Alone in his car, surrounded by darkness and humming quietly to himself.

He turned the radio up, moving his head to the song playing and tapped his thumb against the steering wheel.

Something caught his attention and he turned the radio down, squinting his eyes at red headlights coming in his direction.

He gasped and turned the car around quickly.

He desperately fought the steering wheel for controll, but the car weaved all over the road.

The vehicle made one more circle, before lunging at the cliff.

His hands gripped the breaks with full force and smashed his head into the window, he sat there for a minute, paralysed with fear, expecting the car to slide over the edge.

Relief washed over him, when the car didn't budge.

Finn touched his forehead and pulled away with bloody fingers.

He winced in pain, while leaning back in his seat and letting out a deep sigh.

"Fuck me..." he muttered, rubbing his neck.

There was no sight of any car, but a small person walked over.

Finn studied the figure, adoring her long legs and petite bodystructure.

A girl appeared, in a bright yellow raincoat and soaked converse.

(IT feels)

"Hello!?" She shouted out into the distance, not noticing that Finn was sitting there.

He quickly pushed himself through the broken door and dusted himself off.

"Um... Yes!" He awkwardly waved and wiped falling raindrops from his face.

He was already soaked, the storm only getting worse by the minute.

"Oh my godness! Are you hurt?" The mysterious girl said quickly, with a thick british accent and took a small step forward.

"I kinda hurt my head a little bit." Finn replied and pointed to his forehead, where a gash was visible.

She gasped and put a hand on his shoulder, getting closer to his face.

"I'll get someone to pick up your car, you're coming with me so I can take a closer look." She said and smiled.

Finn couldn't really trust this girl, but everything seemed better than staying out in his broken car or in the stormy, autumn weather.


"I'll call car services. Do you wanna take a shower?" The brown haired girl asked and hang her raincoat up neatly.

Finn nodded, while he ran a shaky hand through his wet curls, still traumatized from the accident.

"I-I never got a name?" He stuttered and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Millie." She replied and wandered absently into the kitchen.

Finn made his way down the hall and quietly walked into the bathroom, getting ready for a hot shower.

He leaned against the sink and let out a small groan, as the throbbing in his head intensified.

The room turned warm and steamy, Finn stripped down and jumped under the hot running water.


Finn walked into the livingroom, hands on hips as he surveyed his surroundings.

He walked towards a shelf with some framed pictures and traced his thumb along one of them.

It showed a beautiful girl with short brown hair and rosy cheeks.

She wore a nice pink dress, with the biggest smile across her face.

His lips twisted upwards into a small smile, while he ran a hand through his wet curls.

"What are you doing?"

Finn turned around quickly, with wide eyes and scratched the back of his neck.
Part 2 will be up tomorrow
Have a chill day/night! Lolol

~ Emily

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